BF 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII Demo Soon

PlanetBattlefield (thanks Ant) has word to expect a playable demo of Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII, the upcoming BF1942 add-on, soon. No other details are available at this time.
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32 Replies. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: Get a real 1942 addon... Merciless 1942
Jul 17, 2003, 16:47
Re: Get a real 1942 addon... Merciless 1942 Jul 17, 2003, 16:47
Jul 17, 2003, 16:47
i'm not a fan of merciless.. if you have it you won't be able to join some servers.. whe i tried it i i noticed it likes to fuck with your crosshairs and make them immense or just take them away

i know that you can pick the stuff you want on and off now but still I don't believe it is worth it because you cant play on any server you want

sorry to bash your mod, sir but you have to clearly let it be known that you can't get in some servers... i'm also curious whether there is already or ever going to be a way to make sure your mod isn't used as a cheat

"The" Dan
This comment was edited on Jul 17, 16:52.
Get a real 1942 addon... Merciless 1942
Jul 17, 2003, 15:47
Get a real 1942 addon... Merciless 1942 Jul 17, 2003, 15:47
Jul 17, 2003, 15:47
Don't forget... pickup Merciless 1942, a real addon. Makes everything historically correct, real flags, armor camo, uniforms, bug fixs, a massive real sound enhancement, all new FX, blood and even alot alot more! If there was one single client side addon that you can use on any NONPURE server... it would be this one!

Re: No subject
Jul 17, 2003, 14:52
Re: No subject Jul 17, 2003, 14:52
Jul 17, 2003, 14:52
that and lost village are the only maps that are really fun in DC

hey meaty what do you think of the balance in EOD? Reading on I guess this is for the guy that asked me too: I like how EOD has an emphasis on infantry play. The choppers are used mainly for dropping in people instead of raining down fiery lag. Also I like how a lot of the vehicles can be taken down with the heavy machine gun. It takes a lot of bullets though so it IS balanced. If you play the mod for any time you will see how much more balanced and more fun it is than DC. I used to play DC but it just became less and less fun as they made certain vehicles stronger and infantry weapons seemingly weaker (except that fucking grenade on the end of the gun). If you like to play a game in invincible choppers (the DC AA is a piece of shit too) as you rain laggy rockets on to people or easily pick them off as you spawn camp with the chain gun then DC is for you. But remember most of the time you'll be on the receiving end.. that is if the team autobalancing is off which is a bitch as well.

"The" Dan
This comment was edited on Jul 17, 15:04.
Re: No subject
Jul 17, 2003, 12:45
Re: No subject Jul 17, 2003, 12:45
Jul 17, 2003, 12:45
Try playing Al Khafji Docks on DC, it came out with the .38 patch and has no aircraft. Definitely a more balanced map for DC and quite a lot of fun.

Re: No subject
Jul 17, 2003, 12:21
Re: No subject Jul 17, 2003, 12:21
Jul 17, 2003, 12:21
How large are the maps on DC? I would imagine they'd have to be fairly large to accommodate jets. It looks pretty cool though, similar to what I've been playing on Operation Flashpoint.

Re: No subject
Jul 17, 2003, 12:20
Re: No subject Jul 17, 2003, 12:20
Jul 17, 2003, 12:20
's'up, Sugarman!?

Naw. It's something about the feel of vanilla BF vs DC that makes the original more enjoyable for me. The way it's balanced, and the way the design of the maps really gells with the gameplay design (which only makes sense, as they were designed hand-in-hand). It's just a bit tighter, less hap-hazard, or something... it's quite intangible. I think it's definitely better, though.

DC is great, and a nice change of pace when you just feel like blowing shit up, but vanilla BF just hits all the right notes perfectly, IMHO. Secret Weapons looks pretty over-the-top in comparison, but I'm thinking it'll be a riot at LANs where people can laugh at eachother in person

Oh, and it's stable as a mofo right out of the box. I've never seen a single crash - 1.4 patch or otherwise..

I'm not even angry. I'm being so sincere right now, even though you broke my heart and killed me.
Re: No subject
Jul 17, 2003, 10:12
Re: No subject Jul 17, 2003, 10:12
Jul 17, 2003, 10:12
I like to play DC, getting in a good server without tards is a must though. My computer does however crash sometimes when I play DC but I think its because of my video card or some other hardware incompatibility, since none of my 5 other pc's crash at all while playing it "I have lan party's at my house every Tuesday night". To really enjoy DC you have to master all vehicles and IMHO you definitely need a joystick. I am usually in the top 3 when I play so maybe thats why I enjoy playing so much, I don't even play vanilla BF42, I think its too slow paced "except for that Battle of Brittain map, it rocks". I normally don't like really fast paced games either, ie..quake. So if you're bitchin about DC its probably because you haven't gave it the time to get good at it or you just suck at it...jk. My first post here by the way, greetings to all.

Re: A demo of an expansion?
Jul 17, 2003, 08:19
Re: A demo of an expansion? Jul 17, 2003, 08:19
Jul 17, 2003, 08:19
DC is definitely overrated in my opinion. It's not *bad*, but it's not great either. I think they jsut happened to release it at the best possible time as far as marketing is concerned.

The only part of EoD I really enjoy is the boats - having a handful of fully-manned patrol boats in a river is heaps of fun and I think they should release them as some kind of separate water-race mod (with guns of course).

I'm looking forward to this demo. I, for one, am nervous aout Secret Weapons because it is the real-world weapons and vehicles of Bf which I enjoy. Taking it into the realm of speculative fiction seems something of a departure from the original mood of the game - but I'll reserve judgement until I've taken the demo for a spin.

But more than any of these I am looking forward to BF: Galactic Conquest - the Hoth map looks awesome

Re: A demo of an expansion?
Jul 17, 2003, 07:07
Re: A demo of an expansion? Jul 17, 2003, 07:07
Jul 17, 2003, 07:07
An 1/8 isn't too bad for a demo - the original DOOM's demo was a 1/3 of the game and Quake's was 1/4. The best 1/3 or 1/4 at that (although that's understandable as they want people to like it).


sc4r4b's lying, I didn't tell him anything about you.
Avatar 10439
No subject
Jul 17, 2003, 06:02
No subject Jul 17, 2003, 06:02
Jul 17, 2003, 06:02
Dan, what do u think of the Eve of Destruction mod?

Re: No subject
Jul 17, 2003, 03:44
Re: No subject Jul 17, 2003, 03:44
Jul 17, 2003, 03:44
hey this one is going to cost 10 more dollars than road to rome.. it better have more maps than RTR or i don't want to buy it

"The" Dan
Re: No subject
Jul 17, 2003, 03:00
Re: No subject Jul 17, 2003, 03:00
Jul 17, 2003, 03:00
haha dick clams is the bomb yo

did you delete the entire battlefield directory and do a clean install? you shouldn't need shortcuts, ASE and gspy3d find servers a lot better than the in game server browser does

the problem is definitely on your end though

"The" Dan
No subject
Jul 17, 2003, 02:53
No subject Jul 17, 2003, 02:53
Jul 17, 2003, 02:53
i have 1.4 and i dont have any issues changing mods ingame
i dont know wtf your smokin

now that think about it i have none of those problems
so stfu...and go to Dick Clams

This comment was edited on Jul 17, 02:54.
Supporter of "The Only Good fredster Is A Dead fredster" fan club
No subject
Jul 17, 2003, 02:48
No subject Jul 17, 2003, 02:48
Jul 17, 2003, 02:48
Dude BF 1.3 had no problems for me. All my mods ran without crashes, and i could actually play the damn game in singleplayer.

Now with 1.4 i...

a) cant change mods in game, i have to make shortcuts for each mod

b) cant play singleplayer of bf or any mod

c) cant change servers; trying to join another server goes straight to desktop

d) cant load 3/4 maps on desertcombat without being chucked to desktop during load

Explain to me how reinstalling it for the 4th time will fix it you ignorant ass? Face it, EA has no tech team at all, and nobody is bothering to debug this game.

“The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to the client. The knife, for example, is the last thing you learn. Ok?"
Steam + PSN: PHJF
Avatar 17251
Re: A demo of an expansion?
Jul 17, 2003, 02:06
Re: A demo of an expansion? Jul 17, 2003, 02:06
Jul 17, 2003, 02:06
KaRRiLLioN: Don't mind Frederickson. Desert Combat --

Ant @ The Ant Farm:
Avatar 1957
Re: A demo of an expansion?
Jul 17, 2003, 01:58
Re: A demo of an expansion? Jul 17, 2003, 01:58
Jul 17, 2003, 01:58
dick clams

its a place whre kids can be kids and slide on slides and eat pizzaria pizza if u want i can take u there on a magical world of wonder and pizass and hopefuly u can join me in a warm embrace X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|

fly boy i will save you
Re: A demo of an expansion?
Jul 17, 2003, 01:51
Re: A demo of an expansion? Jul 17, 2003, 01:51
Jul 17, 2003, 01:51
What is DC?

Re: A demo of an expansion?
Jul 16, 2003, 23:48
Re: A demo of an expansion? Jul 16, 2003, 23:48
Jul 16, 2003, 23:48
ping pong

fly boy i will save you
Re: A demo of an expansion?
Jul 16, 2003, 23:34
Re: A demo of an expansion? Jul 16, 2003, 23:34
Jul 16, 2003, 23:34
i like DC a lot less when they reduced the damage the invincible lag inducing choppers took against heavy machine gun fire

the mod is pretty much run to a tank or preferrably a chopper as soon as possible before chopper rockets laggily hit your corpse within seconds of moving anywhere..

"The" Dan
Re: A demo of an expansion?
Jul 16, 2003, 23:20
Re: A demo of an expansion? Jul 16, 2003, 23:20
Jul 16, 2003, 23:20
1.4 didn't screw up BF. It's never crashed on me.

I like DC a lot less with the grenade launcher in it.


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