I played Dungeon Siege for about an hour on normal mode, and just got completely fed up with how frigging slow the character advancement was. I downloaded a mod that increased stat advancement a bit, and that made it a little more fun, but in the end Dungeon Siege suffered horribly from a few flaws :
Magic - Useless. The really cool spells that would actually do some damage, you never get to use, since you need to be about 20 levels higher than you ever get during the course of the single player game.
Fighting - fun at first, until you realise that the game is actually playing itself. The only thing you are telling it to do is where to move the party to (and I can somehow just imagine the game grumbling about that, too.)
Classes - Reducing classes in an RPG to the : Fighter / Archer / Priest / Wizard mold is, in my opinion, in no way an "advancement". You have a party of 8 characters (well, 7 and a donkey), and so you have every class at least twice. This is insanely boring.
Furthermore, I absolutely hated the fact that if you so much as got one level of experience in a different class than your main class, you were basically screwing yourself over where advancement was concerned. I can't remember the gist of it, but some smart peeps had figured out that the formula for stat advancement suffered tremendously from "multi classing".
All in all, Dungeon Siege was pretty, and it was fun to play for a few hours, after that it just became a boring drag. The fact that there also was absolutely NO penalty whatsoever for having one of your characters die (just cast a ressurect spell, select the character, and hit Z so he grabs all his loot and equips it) was a design decision of the umpteenth stupid magnitude.
Good points in the game, however, were that Z key (not having to click 18 times to grab some loot = good), the auto arrangement of the inventory, and the donkey. I always liked the donkey the best of all my characters
They better make some spectacular changes to this franchise before I ever get snared into it again.