Reply to post 83:
Please don't pretend that there is anything revolutionary about Doom 3 beyond the engine.
Again Xombie, you are basing your conclusion on rumors, and i have been following doom3's progress very closely, and i have not seen id make 1 statement claiming any of this...
"id has admitted that they are doing only bare-bones design tecniques for Doom 3. They're using the classic survival-horror style: poor AI, dark rooms, slow pace, etc."
If you can prove me wrong, paste me some proof, but i'm sure you're again just talking out of a hatred for Id. I am at no means defending Id, in fact, i don't defend any company. Personally... (which btw you should state in your posts before you make an opinion), i think Valve is a one-hit wonder company (+expans off the same game), and will not be able to duplicate their success with Hl2. I lost a lot of my confidence in them when they announced Tf2 for quake2, then hl, then it's own game, then finally abandonware. GG valve, the only reason i even bought Hl initially was due to promises of TF2.
83. Re: Followers!!! The lot of you! May 9, 12:52 Xombie
For years now, all that has been posted is, "Valve Sucks".
I don't remember saying anything about Valve before the announcement of HL2. I remember most people simply believing that Valve wasn't actually doing anything but feeding off the profits from HL1 and its addons/mods/etc, which it seems is exactly what Valve wanted people to think.
Oh & the hype! D3 is going to be a kick ass game. It will be different from HL2, but in ways much better.
id has admitted that they are doing only bare-bones design tecniques for Doom 3. They're using the classic survival-horror style: poor AI, dark rooms, slow pace, etc. Please don't pretend that there is anything revolutionary about Doom 3 beyond the engine.
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie