Yeah, I agree with you Snydeman. EQ, btw, was THE first 3D MMORGP to hit the market and when it came out the only one available. EQ was a mess when it first came out, they had no clue that the Login Servers would get that hammered. I'm certainly not denying Verant had a shaky start. 'But', they were a one of a kind game at that time. UO was already out but it was a 2D Sprite based game, not very comparable to a true 3D based game. The formula for starting these MMO beasts is not so 'magical' anymore and they 'should' go smoother then their previous competition. AC and DAoC had good starts, AO and WW2 Online did not and shame on them. Now EVE came out and had a 'good' start, however, only a very minimal amount of players logged in, much smaller than the previous stated (except for maybe WW2 Online) MMO's, so saying "I have had a lag free experience so far" is a joke, hell, even UO had minimal lag during 'off hours'. We'll see how it goes when they get there servers up to capacity, thats if they can...