PlanetSide Event

HomeLan Fed's PlanetSide Press Event Report is online, describing a bit of what went on at a recent unveiling of SOE's upcoming MMOFPS. Included are bits on a couple of things that have not been part of the game's beta testing to this point, for instance: "One of the new additions has been VoiceIP support and we got a demo of that at the PlanetSide press event. Anyone with a microphone will now be able to give voice orders to his or her squad as well as listen to what other squad members have to say. To have this system in place out of the box when the final game is released should be a welcome addition for players who are tired of punching keyboards for text chat."
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Re: Missed Something
May 6, 2003, 00:49
Re: Missed Something May 6, 2003, 00:49
May 6, 2003, 00:49
Cool, thanks for the explanations DSR, it does look like they've put a lot of thought into that precise issue


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Missed Something
May 5, 2003, 16:10
Missed Something May 5, 2003, 16:10
May 5, 2003, 16:10
I missed your part about new content always being promised but always delivered in paid expansion packs.


This is a disturbing trend I've yet to see be bunked except in the case of Neocron. They've added TONS of stuff since release that I've seen (I don't play anymore, but I still follow it out of curiosity) and it all comes from those monthly fees. However it is the exception to the rule, and knowing SOE I doubt PS will be another exception despite my confidence in the dev. team. It'll boil down to a management decision and while I think they'll fight tooth and nail to deny it, it won't happen.


NC 0wNz j00
May 5, 2003, 15:58
NC 0wNz j00 May 5, 2003, 15:58
May 5, 2003, 15:58
Oh, btw, my New Conglomerate hotness whomps your Vanu tree-hugging hippie ass or your Terran Republic redneck incest-reamed ass any day of the week, any hour of the day, every minute of the hour, and every second of the minute


May 5, 2003, 15:51
Responses May 5, 2003, 15:51
May 5, 2003, 15:51
The funny thing is, when the DIVX format came out, people spitted on it. Buying a movie for your DVD player, and then having to pay every time you want to see it? "FUCK THAT!!" everyone shouted.

That's a flawed comparison. Paying per DIVX play didn't give you 10 extra minutes of movie footage each time. DIVX makers didn't have to pay for an expensive always-on infrastructure that would render all DIVX discs useless if not maintained (Then again I don't remember much about divx, maybe they did. I wouldn't be surprised with the facist DRM platform they were on)

I've seen that pretty much 99% of the gamers on the Internet are just fucking cockroaches. The only thing that matters is winning, and if you can achieve that by cheating, great, and otherwise, well, if your team is losing, simply jump to the other team, right? After all, the ONLY way to have fun is winning, right?

Yes, most gamers are "fucking cockroaches", though I prefer the coined "smacktards" for BF1942 these days.

But PS does a good job. If one team gets too many players, the other two teams get health/xp/armor bonuses to compensate, so the weaker teams have more punch per person. It's not that easy to switch teams either, its actually a long process akin to creating a new character in <insert MMORPG here>. (NOTE: by long I mean long compared to clicking the other team's header like in BF1942 :))

Plus you CAN NOT transfer your characters between teams, so if you worked two weeks to get that badass BR18 CR2 MAX pilot, you can kiss his beefy ass goodbye if you switch teams and start fresh. From what I've seen of the beta (especially now that all the FilePlanet subscribers poured in) is that its not much of an issue.

In regards to those who can't tolerate losing, there's always one continent for each team that has a direct warpgate from the sanctuary while the other two have at least 1 hop to get there. As a result, major ass kicking by the respective team ensues. Those who want to cause major rapage just head to those continents and beat the shit out of anyone who dares attempt to enter. But if you want challenge, you go for the more contested continents. It's very elegant in that fashion.

If one of the three sides is starting to own more than 50% of the world, why wouldn't the majority of all the roaches simply jump to the winning side, ensuring that the other two sides will not be able to regain it?

The taking of bases isn't THAT slow paced. One can conquer an entire continent in ~3 hours if you're lucky, only to have them push back. By the time you delete your char, start a new one, pick your certs, and get enough BR to be effective, the entire battle could have changed. If they get TOO lopsided tho, again, the balance mechanisms will be in place so that footsoldiers on the underdogs will be of practically MAX strength, and eventually it will flow back :). So far in my beta experience I've never seen a single team take more than 3 continents completely, and even that only lasted for about 5 minutes, then they got pushed back. It would take a SERIOUSLY coordinated battalion of squads to lock down more than 50% of the world. And frankly, if someone actually manages to pull that off, they deserve the fucking land :).

-DSR <---has been following this game since the E3 preview in PCXL 3 years ago

EDIT: Once again, I appreciate you raising issues in a sensible manner and clearing stating your rationale for your position so I can respond

Deus EDIT: Jesus, I must have been possesed or something, I don't remember writing half of this. I...SERVERS ARE UP! <disappears>

This comment was edited on May 5, 16:03.
May 5, 2003, 13:49
Hmmm May 5, 2003, 13:49
May 5, 2003, 13:49
I'll admit that the whole P2P issue annoys me for the very simple fact that I'm asked to plunk down the price of a full game which simply WILL NOT WORK unless I plunk down more money for it to work. (albeit after that free month's play is over).

The funny thing is, when the DIVX format came out, people spitted on it. Buying a movie for your DVD player, and then having to pay every time you want to see it? "FUCK THAT!!" everyone shouted.

But gamers accept it apparently without qualm?

Now, it's not the amount that you have to pay (even I can cough up 12.95 a month), it's the simple principle of it.

Ofcourse, to each his own. I would be more inclined to pay for it if that money actually went into providing more content for me to play with, but whenever content DOES get provided, you have to pay for it, since it's an expansion pack.

Otoh, about PS, what I don't quite understand is this : Throughout my years of playing online CTF games, Team Deathmatch games etc, I've seen that pretty much 99% of the gamers on the Internet are just fucking cockroaches. The only thing that matters is winning, and if you can achieve that by cheating, great, and otherwise, well, if your team is losing, simply jump to the other team, right? After all, the ONLY way to have fun is winning, right?

So what's to stop that in PS? If one of the three sides is starting to own more than 50% of the world, why wouldn't the majority of all the roaches simply jump to the winning side, ensuring that the other two sides will not be able to regain it?

If someone has an answer to that, I'd definitely like to know, but to me it seems a rather big flaw in PS's gameplay.


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Re: Goal
May 5, 2003, 13:15
Re: Goal May 5, 2003, 13:15
May 5, 2003, 13:15
DSR must play NC I wonder what the other faction uniform changes are? Oh and if your already in a squad/clan of some sort, its allot more fun than gathering a group of indies at sanctuary.

May 5, 2003, 12:24
Goal May 5, 2003, 12:24
May 5, 2003, 12:24
Well, its a minor reward, when you reach BR (Battle Rank) 7/14/15/20 you get new kinds of armor, the BR14 is spiffy looking, solid gold as well as of course new certs and implants. Once you hit 20 tho, thats it, and I'm at 16 now after about 3 weeks :). There are also command ranks with similar benefits for leading successful raids, etc.

You *can* lock down continents by capping all the bases, which makes it so the only way the nme can get in is thru the warpgates with the new lattice structure, and if you cap the bases on the other end of the warpgates, its impossible to unlock the continent until those bases are resecured. Theoretically you can take over the entire world, but its VERY unlikely.

The true fun that comes from this game is how amazingly natural teamwork occurs. You hardly ever see lonewolfers, everyones in a squad or outfit of some sort making coordinated attacks. It's also nice to have epic scale fights over continents: locking down a continent when you started with only 1 or 2 bases is far more gratifying battle than having more points than the other guy at the end of a half hour (ala BF1942)

Once they get more communication features into PS, it'll be great. Right now its very hard organizing an attack outside of 3 or 4 squads without external programs, but not impossible.

NOTE: not knocking BF1942, fucking love that game, just using that gametype as a point of reference.

-DSR <---Only has time to type because PS beta servers are down for a patch

EDIT: by new kinds of armor I mean a new look to your current armor, NOT altogether new kinds of armor. Signifies to everyone else how much of a badass you are

COMPLEMENT EDIT: By the way, thanks for saying "good point" as opposed to the "fuck you" "I knew that dipshit" or "1 0wN j00!" responses I usually get, nice to have other decent posters around

This comment was edited on May 5, 12:30.
Re: No subject
May 5, 2003, 12:16
Re: No subject May 5, 2003, 12:16
May 5, 2003, 12:16
Im sorry Mr. T. but I dont think I was directing my comments at any of your posts, but more towards Beaners and the others like it. But its not a specific attack, theres a general dislike with many FPS gamers about paying a monthly fee. I dont know if its based on principle or if its financial. I dont see any problem with supporting the game past release and the upkeep of the servers and network. I can understand other peoples concerns about play goals though as Im not sure about them myself, other than to lock continents. The thing about that is, the dev team can always make changes about that later on down the road.

Re: No subject
May 5, 2003, 12:13
Re: No subject May 5, 2003, 12:13
May 5, 2003, 12:13
Hmm, good point DSR. I guess games like UO, EQ or DAoC have goals to reach a certain 'level'. So an accomplishment is felt when you reach Level 50/60 or when you become a Grand Master 'insert trade here'. This same achievement may be attainable in PS.. is it? Maybe they will have a server in the future where total victory is attainable, I'd be into that win or lose. Again, not putting down the game, just wondering about the 'goal' of it all :).

No subject
May 5, 2003, 12:02
No subject May 5, 2003, 12:02
May 5, 2003, 12:02
I just don't see the point of a non-winnable or non-loseable 'game'.

Last I checked, UO, EQ, and DoAC were non-winnable/non-losable, but you played those anyways


No subject
May 5, 2003, 11:16
No subject May 5, 2003, 11:16
May 5, 2003, 11:16
Sorry Creston.. I assumed you might be talking from current play experience, and currently the Planetside servers have nothing to do with voice over IP. My bad. Hopefully when they do make it all server side, their servers will be beefy enough. Note that X-Box live games don't seem to have any problems with all the voice chatter going on.

Frost- that was slightly insulting, implying I'm a cheapskate and all. Spending the monthly fee on the game wouldn't bother me a bit.. it's just, I think I'd rather spend my money on other things. As it is, I've played the game for a bout a month now and am starting to lose my drive to play it. If you enjoy it enough to pay for it, I'm glad.

Re: PS
May 5, 2003, 09:28
Re: PS May 5, 2003, 09:28
May 5, 2003, 09:28
Naw, I have no problem with P2P, I've been through UO, EQ, DoAC, WWII Online. I just don't 'get' the concept of PS. I didn't say the game sucked or anything. I would be much more interested 'if' each civ (or whatever you call it) got some reward for 'winning'. I am a HUGE fan of Tribes 1/2 and this game seems simuliar, but there is no goal... or so it seems, correct me if I'm wrong pls :). I just don't see the point of a non-winnable or non-loseable 'game'. Just doesn't make sense to me, thats all.

Re: PS
May 5, 2003, 08:23
Re: PS May 5, 2003, 08:23
May 5, 2003, 08:23
I agree Im too damn busy playing. I think you other guys are trying to scrounge up excuses not to pay a monthly fee. I think your dislike is more for the monthly fee rather than of the game itself. Theres still allot of people turned off by the idea, I dont have any problem with it. Im going to move on from ww2ol and just pay for PS now.

May 5, 2003, 07:54
PS May 5, 2003, 07:54
May 5, 2003, 07:54
I'd write a comment but I'm too busy playing Planetside, the game is too god damn fun

-DSR <---obviously a massive fanboy

Re: Voice over IP
May 5, 2003, 06:19
Re: Voice over IP May 5, 2003, 06:19
May 5, 2003, 06:19
You have to push a key to be heard.

Re: PlanetSide
May 5, 2003, 05:46
Re: PlanetSide May 5, 2003, 05:46
May 5, 2003, 05:46
Why pay 15$ a month and deal with bad FPS and no point in winning when You have Tribes Vengeance on The Horizon. No 15$ a month, proven netcode (we hope), voice over IP, text chat,key voice commands (A tribes innovation)

Dont get me wrong, I like some of The ideas in Planetside, but screw Sony and any of these games where they make you pay to play. So how much money have your burned playing Everquest? What I want to know, can you buy the game, and run your own server, so you can play on your own LAN with freinds?

This comment was edited on May 5, 05:48.
Re: Voice over IP
May 5, 2003, 01:06
Re: Voice over IP May 5, 2003, 01:06
May 5, 2003, 01:06
Honestly my problem with the way they have it set up is that if you talk, it get's heard. IF it was like HL and other VON games where you had to hit a key to talk this would work a lot better. Right now it even picks up speaker sounds on some peoples mics.

Re: Voice over IP
May 5, 2003, 01:01
Re: Voice over IP May 5, 2003, 01:01
May 5, 2003, 01:01
Mr. Tolerance,

By itself, Voice over IP isn't going to kill your bandwith no. Then again, how many people are you listening to at any one time? 2,3? 5 Maybe?

Notice that I said that "if too many people start yapping" it kills bandwith SERVER side.

Because while your connection may only need to handle 1-5 VoIP streams, the server's bandwith has to handle all of them.

Still, I have to admit that Planetside does absolutely nothing for me, and I just also realised that this is the third MMO game Sony is currently working on. I DO hope that they aren't running all those servers on one single server / bandwith farm


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Re: Voice over IP
May 5, 2003, 00:03
Re: Voice over IP May 5, 2003, 00:03
May 5, 2003, 00:03
sim city had no goal, well unless you played the scenerios...

Doin' it Big
May 4, 2003, 21:41
Planetside May 4, 2003, 21:41
May 4, 2003, 21:41
Game is fun. A little repetitive though. They need to get the lag issues and random disconnects worked out though. I echo what the previous guy said, not worth 15 bucks a month.

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