Mac EQ Beta

Further supporting the crack analogy by offering the first hit for free, Westlake Interactive is now accepting entrants into the public beta testing of EverQuest for the Macintosh (thanks Loadedinc). The sign-ups are being accepted on Sony's EverQuest On The Mac Beta Site.
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Good Idea... But its a little late.
May 1, 2003, 10:21
Good Idea... But its a little late. May 1, 2003, 10:21
May 1, 2003, 10:21
Currently macs have no MMORPG's. They are making a smart move by porting an MMORPG but IM surprised a company other than SOE isn't doing this. And I'm also wondering why SOE chose to port EQ instead of ..let's say.. Star Wars Galaxies? How many people on mac are going to want to play a burned out old game?


Re: Good Idea... But its a little late.
May 1, 2003, 10:57
Re: Good Idea... But its a little late. May 1, 2003, 10:57
May 1, 2003, 10:57
Currently macs have no MMORPG's.

Umm, every copy of Shadowbane is a hybrid Mac/PC CD. So, a newer game (with better graphics than EQ) shipped before the public beta test of EverCrack began.


May 1, 2003, 11:05
ShadowBane May 1, 2003, 11:05
May 1, 2003, 11:05
Ahhh I stand corrected...

Re: Good Idea... But its a little late.
May 1, 2003, 11:17
Re: Good Idea... But its a little late. May 1, 2003, 11:17
May 1, 2003, 11:17
I would disagree that Shadowbane's graphics are better than EQs: the models are limited in look, and the landscapes are just as drab and featureless.

However, in EQ, I can get more than 20fps. It is disappointing that Shadowbane has such poor graphics, though. Not sure what they were working on all that time: not stability, not frame rate, certainlly not content or bug fixing. A game with a 4-5 year development time should be better.

(I know, I'm being a little harsh on the game. Shadowbane would be great if not for the monthly fee: the game doesn't offer enough for that).

This comment was edited on May 1, 11:20.
Re: Good Idea... But its a little late.
May 1, 2003, 19:29
Re: Good Idea... But its a little late. May 1, 2003, 19:29
May 1, 2003, 19:29
At least somebody's paying attention to the mac. however, the RPG I am STILL waiting for is NWN. That was originally supposed to have a SIMULTANEOUS release with the PC version. They probably have like 2 people working on the port. and they already ditched the toolset. They had better not charge $50 when it comes out, even though they probably will.

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