Thanks Unmaker ------^
This games does need some more time in Beta. It has some -major_ issues with crashing, things jusp flat out not working, and the wholesome fun of mining all the damned time. Granted, missions weren't available to beta testers, but from my experience with the rest of the game, these will be needing polishing as well. Don't buy the game in the first 6 months or so untill there is a special offer for subscription (i.e. FREE).
I'm sorry the game sucks so much right now, I wanted it to be a blast. And it will be--a year or so from now when the paying beta testers get all the issues worked out.
The only company that I can honestly say has the space game down is Ambrosia Software with its Escape Velocity series. Now if only they'd kick it up a notch and make it an MMOG, without a subscription--and get their PC version of the game outta beta!
This comment was edited on Apr 23, 12:43.
Not Much Good