Well said Creston. That same thought process should also apply to non-MMORGP's. I also wish people would stop jumping on the hype wagon and not get brainwashed by pretty screenshots and promises of the 'perfect' game. It seems the common 'hook' is to create a FAQ that draws in a crowd, makes those followers into brainwashed zombies that defend the product till death with no valid or thoughout points, just one single arguement mantra.. "it'll be ready, the devs are gods". This doesn't just apply to EVE, most MMORGP's that have come out recently had the simuliar fanbase saying the same thing. Look at SWG, it's FAQ had everything including the kitchen sink.. they got close to late beta/release... what happened?? Oh, yeah, sorry fanbase, well, ah, we have to scale back on, umm, most of the proposed features. DAoC, same thing, oh, well have player housing at release... umm, yeah.
The main problem with EVE releasing right now is they ARE still in beta quality software levels and will be for a long while. Paying customers WILL be playing a beta quality game. I'm not sure why it's such a difficult concept to grasp. What 'game' developers need to start doing (like they used to a long time ago) is stating a baseline feature set (like most non-game related software Dev's do) that gets tested till it's 100%. Then when thats done you release it. In the case of a MMORGP, you do the same thing, tell the testers in a functional document what the game at release will do and have them test it, release the game and then start adding additonal features over time that get first implemented on a 'test' server by people who don't mind 'paying for beta' and then once they have those new features tested then implement them on the 'live' servers. But, I guess thats just to hard...