Well, what makes me laugh about the people 'defending' EVE's premature release is that the response's are:
1) It's an MMORGP, it's ok if it's released running like garbage.
- An old and tired out excuse. This is what? The 7 or 8th MMORPG done? That excuse was vaild for maybe UO and EQ, the rest of these 'games' should have enough research from previous dev's to know what works.
2) It's not a mining simulator, you can do a ton of stuff.
- Yeah, well please at some point and time tell me.
3) Oh, EVE is soooo innovative.
- And what separates it from UO/EQ/AC/AC2/DoAC/AO/E&B etc??
Answer these simple questions and maybe you may make a point, but till then it's just but, but , but....
And thats their whole foundation that 'they' keep re-iterating