Indy Jones Demo

The Indiana Jones and The Emperor's Tomb Website has links to the Gigex Downloads Page hosting the PC demo for Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb, the cross-platform game based on the exploits of the daring fictional archeologist. There aren't many details about the 224 MB demo other than it includes three levels. A mirror of the demo can be found on 3D Gamers, FileShack (registration required), Gamer's Hell, and Worthplaying.
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This game has potential
Apr 13, 2003, 11:54
This game has potential Apr 13, 2003, 11:54
Apr 13, 2003, 11:54
It's too bad the 1st person/3rd person toggle is only as long as you hold the key. The 3rd person makes it really difficult to play because half the time my camera view is not pointing the same way Indie is and I'm flicking whips at a wall or machetteing in the air. Then I jump in the water and can't maneuver at all- well, everytime I try to maneuver it just sends me back under. The mouse view should coincide with the direction the character is facing, and mouse turning should be consistent speed. Also, while trying to pick someone off from a distance with the revolver, try to micro-aim with the mouse while in 1st person "mode". It's like the mouse sensitivity has a lower threshold for speed- if you move the mouse slowly it doesn't move at all, so you have to move it fast and overcompensate. I've seen too many games that do this and it's annoying.

Then what's up with the menu screens. I can't use my mouse? Then I can't save a game in progress. Using mouse scroll to cycle through inventory doesn't work half the time.

It looks like a great game, but things like this really detract from the enjoyment and playability.

As for stuff I like:

The MUSIC! This is one of the only games I actually enjoy having the music playing in the game. Really done well, as with other sound fx in the game.

The whip is pretty simple to use and hand-to-hand combat seems to be done pretty well- that is, when I can manage to be facing the direction of the enemy.

Level design seems to be done pertty well, although I haven't made it past the water yet. Despite early screenshots of this game looking too cartoonish IMO, I think the graphics are done fairly well. Not the best, but not all that bad either.

This comment was edited on Apr 13, 12:01.
Re: Call THAT an interface?!?
Apr 12, 2003, 11:31
Re: Call THAT an interface?!? Apr 12, 2003, 11:31
Apr 12, 2003, 11:31
And the main menu is a classic example of how NOT to do a menu. First of all there's no mouse use - you're navigating with arrow keys. Secondly you have to wait for an elaborate and completely redundant change in the background scene every time you move to a different sub-menu. Pissed me off.


edit: PHeeNIxx, thanks for that link! I may have to order one of those! You know of anyone who has one? Do they like it? I'm thinking wavebird on the pc would kick ass...

edit again: time to kill opera!
This comment was edited on Apr 12, 11:36.
Gamecube Adaptor
Apr 12, 2003, 09:31
Gamecube Adaptor Apr 12, 2003, 09:31
Apr 12, 2003, 09:31
There IS a USB gamecube controller adaptor. Check out the following link - I would assume you can use it with a wired gamepad or a wavebird.

note: for some reason the site seems quite slow right now....let it load if you want to see the picture


This comment was edited on Apr 12, 09:33.
Call THAT an interface?!?
Apr 12, 2003, 08:37
Call THAT an interface?!? Apr 12, 2003, 08:37
Apr 12, 2003, 08:37
Decent graphics, great animation and the hand-to-hand combat is awesome fun - reminds me of Oni a little.

But what's with the controls?!? It feels like yet another crappy console port (is it? can someone confirm that?) - it would work so well if they just made the view/movement more like Oni or Jedi Outcast.

And the main menu is a classic example of how NOT to do a menu. First of all there's no mouse use - you're navigating with arrow keys. Secondly you have to wait for an elaborate and completely redundant change in the background scene every time you move to a different sub-menu. Pissed me off.

Inventory management needs a major overhaul - takes forever to simply put my whip away and take out my pistol.

Final score for demo is 5 out of 10: Shows potential but falls short of 'worth buying' status.

Apr 12, 2003, 04:46
Fun! Apr 12, 2003, 04:46
Apr 12, 2003, 04:46
Much better than Tomb Raider games. However, the mouse and keyboard controls are bad. Not bad as Misfire demo though.

Is it me or is the third level really hard? I shoot down the planes and more come. Ugh! Also, this level is CHOPPY!

Ant @ The Ant Farm:
This comment was edited on Apr 12, 19:18.
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Re: Fear...
Apr 12, 2003, 01:33
Re: Fear... Apr 12, 2003, 01:33
Apr 12, 2003, 01:33
Controls need some getting used to and using your mouse to scroll through the inventory was a bitch. Is there a better to flip through weapons on the fly? For a while I was getting my ass kicked at the end of the first lvl just trying to get from whip to shotgun.

Other than that it was a good diversion. Probably pick this up when the price drops to $20.

What did I expect from the man who brought civilization to a screeching halt?
Re: Fear...
Apr 11, 2003, 22:41
Re: Fear... Apr 11, 2003, 22:41
Apr 11, 2003, 22:41
I think that the adapter is called something like "PS2 Joy" or "PSJoy." That would be my ideal controller, at least for the PC, but I never bothered ordering once since I use my gamepad so little these days.

Noting how control/input so often dictate the genres of a given platform,

"Reminder: Personal attacks = nono"
"Posting to pretend you are someone else is on the official no-no list too."
Currently playing: Emperor's Tomb (shut up), IGI 2, Raven Shield, Tenchu 3, and Wind Waker.
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Re: Fear...
Apr 11, 2003, 22:39
Re: Fear... Apr 11, 2003, 22:39
Apr 11, 2003, 22:39
I haven't tried it yet but it sounds like what I saw in the 'Mafia' demo. Mouse movement was way sluggish. I guess they were going for a cinematic effect. Instead it caused a I-didn't-buy-the-game effect.

Too bad, you missed out on one of last years best games.

Re: Fear...
Apr 11, 2003, 22:29
Re: Fear... Apr 11, 2003, 22:29
Apr 11, 2003, 22:29
I went and bought the normal controllers for my GC. Something about replacing batteries doesn't sound like a good plan. (same reason why I don't use a wireless mouse)

edit: also the wavebird doesn't have force feedback

Intel 486SX, Trident video, 8MB RAM, 14" Generic Monitor, 100 MB HDD, Windows 3.11
This comment was edited on Apr 11, 22:45.
Not quite upcoming
Apr 11, 2003, 22:27
Not quite upcoming Apr 11, 2003, 22:27
Apr 11, 2003, 22:27
A small correction to the story. The game is not upcoming, it's already out in stores. I first saw it locally a few days back. I may give the demo a spin. I've heard mixed things about the game, but that seems to apply to virtually everything released these days.

This comment was edited on Apr 11, 22:28.
Re: Fear...
Apr 11, 2003, 22:22
Re: Fear... Apr 11, 2003, 22:22
Apr 11, 2003, 22:22
i think somebody offers an adaptor for the ps2 controller. wish they did for the gamecube though, the wavebird is the greatest controller ever.

Re: Fear...
Apr 11, 2003, 22:18
Re: Fear... Apr 11, 2003, 22:18
Apr 11, 2003, 22:18
Heh; I got my current gamepad (my joystick is Micro$oft made, though) because I found Micro$ofts to be lacking.

Noting how far behind PC gamepads are when compared to the console gamepads,

"Reminder: Personal attacks = nono"
"Posting to pretend you are someone else is on the official no-no list too."
Currently playing: Emperor's Tomb (shut up), IGI 2, Raven Shield, Tenchu 3, and Wind Waker.
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Re: Fear...
Apr 11, 2003, 22:10
Re: Fear... Apr 11, 2003, 22:10
Apr 11, 2003, 22:10
Ya this game is not a keyboard game. Also you should not have bought a logitech joystick of any kind. Have fun with that paperweight when the pad on it breaks in a couple months.

Intel 486SX, Trident video, 8MB RAM, 14" Generic Monitor, 100 MB HDD, Windows 3.11
Re: Fear...
Apr 11, 2003, 22:07
Re: Fear... Apr 11, 2003, 22:07
Apr 11, 2003, 22:07
I have Logitech's fancy shmancy wireless gamepad, but I have not tried it. I reall love my WASD setup and I think that the game is decent, if not a bit basic, but the controls really turn me off. I will give it a whirl, though...

Counting down the days to Lara's latest :),

"Reminder: Personal attacks = nono"
"Posting to pretend you are someone else is on the official no-no list too."
Currently playing: Emperor's Tomb (shut up), IGI 2, Raven Shield, Tenchu 3, and Wind Waker.
Everything is awesome!!!
I love you, mom.
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Re: Fear...
Apr 11, 2003, 21:58
Re: Fear... Apr 11, 2003, 21:58
Apr 11, 2003, 21:58
Trying to move my character, having the camera flying about wildly,

I haven't tried it yet but it sounds like what I saw in the 'Mafia' demo. Mouse movement was way sluggish. I guess they were going for a cinematic effect. Instead it caused a I-didn't-buy-the-game effect.

Re: Fear...
Apr 11, 2003, 21:52
Re: Fear... Apr 11, 2003, 21:52
Apr 11, 2003, 21:52
I use my MS Sidewinder Gamepad USB for this game and never had 1 problem. It's pretty fun. Checkout the animation of some of Indy's moves. Indy climbing up a ledge looks great.

Intel 486SX, Trident video, 8MB RAM, 14" Generic Monitor, 100 MB HDD, Windows 3.11
Apr 11, 2003, 21:32
Fear... Apr 11, 2003, 21:32
Apr 11, 2003, 21:32
...the controls!

Trying to move my character, having the camera flying about wildly,

"Reminder: Personal attacks = nono"
"Posting to pretend you are someone else is on the official no-no list too."
Currently playing: Emperor's Tomb (shut up), IGI 2, Raven Shield, Tenchu 3, and Wind Waker.
Everything is awesome!!!
I love you, mom.
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