Out of the Blue

I mentioned my near-miss run-in with the doggie puke the other day. Turns out this was not an isolated incident, as this morning Hudson the wonder dog again demonstrated the miracle of reverse peristalsis. I don't think she's actually sick as much as it looks like she's not reacting well to a recent change in her dry food. You see the last time I was at the petatorium, I accidentally picked out the wrong variety, which seems to be upsetting her tummy, the Alanis-style irony here is that the offending food is this oatmeal based food intended for sensitive stomachs (seriously). Sometimes you just can't win.

Play Time: Tactics Core Demo. Thanks Sean Malone.
Stories of the Day: Afghans plant flag on the Internet. Thanks Wintermute2_0.
Slice of mercy costs driver job. Thanks Mike Martinez.
The darkest side of ID theft. Thanks Mike Martinez.
Weird Science: As Cellphones Become Cuter, Clarity Suffers (NY Times free registration required). Thanks Mike Martinez.
Wild Science: Signals to be rechecked in alien hunt. Thanks Chris Johnson.
Twins crack face recognition puzzle. Thanks Mike Martinez.
Auction of the Day: Surrogate pregnancy. Thanks Bronco.
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pet food
Mar 11, 2003, 11:57
pet food Mar 11, 2003, 11:57
Mar 11, 2003, 11:57
we've never had a problem with our cats or dog puking because of a change in pet food... farting on the other hand...

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cheap pet food = bad
Mar 11, 2003, 11:48
cheap pet food = bad Mar 11, 2003, 11:48
Mar 11, 2003, 11:48
i've been told by a dog trainer (she had given out some literature to the class, but it was a while ago and i'm no longer sure of its whereablouts) that one reason for animals getting sick when you switch their food, especially if it is one of the cheaper super-market brands, is that the meat meal used as a main ingredient tends to be from meat designated "not fit for human consumption", including diseased and decaying carcasses. in order that this food never be used for human consumption, it is first "denatured" in creosote, benzyne, or other toxic chemicals. so when you switch the dog from one brand to another, they get sick because they are used to the creosote in their normal brand, and not the formaldehyde in the new brand.

also, "meat meal" can contain carcasses from animal shelters, i.e. cats and dogs; and the chemical used to euthanize these animals is not affected by the rendering process that turns the carcasses into meal. this means that small amounts may be present in the final product, that is supposed to be fed to one's pets.

so don't skimp on the puppy! get a quality brand with no "meat meal" and the dog shouldn't have any puking problems when switching food.

Re: Tips for Dog Food
Mar 11, 2003, 10:58
Re: Tips for Dog Food Mar 11, 2003, 10:58
Mar 11, 2003, 10:58
We use to feed our Lab "Nutro" dog food. a few time a week when he was hungry around 5pm or 6am (near his feeding time) he would throw up a bile like mess. I think he was really hungry.

We switched to Purina One (turkey based) and it stopped. He has also dropped about 7lbs and has more energy.

Tips for Dog Food
Mar 11, 2003, 10:40
Tips for Dog Food Mar 11, 2003, 10:40
Mar 11, 2003, 10:40
"she's not reacting well to a recent change in her dry food"

If possible, always keep a small bag of your dogs normal food around: then you can mix it with any new food you get to soften the blow to your dog's stomach.

A couple of my dogs just barf like drunken frat boys when we change their food, though, regardless of the steps taken (i.e. mixing old and new in various percentages, etc).

Doggie Puke
Mar 11, 2003, 10:37
Doggie Puke Mar 11, 2003, 10:37
Mar 11, 2003, 10:37
My vet too has cautioned me about switching foods on my two cats. The first time I did (from kitten food to adult cat food) it took 3 weeks to change them over. The next time I did it (from adult food to diet adult food) I changed over immediately because I was out of the high-calorie stuff. Fortunately, they seemed to suffer no side effects in the litter box or outside it.

HOWEVER, I have discovered that this same phenomenon affects people -- specifically me -- as well. I recently traveled to Thailand and was very cautious about what I ate or drank to prevent problem. Alas, it did no good as simply the different food and climate did in my digestive system. It settled down after about 5 days and I was fine.

Of course, when I returned to the US this week I had to go through the same adjustment all over again.

If someone could only switch over MY food slowly...

Bob James

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Re: Slice of mercy
Mar 11, 2003, 10:28
Re: Slice of mercy Mar 11, 2003, 10:28
Mar 11, 2003, 10:28
I dont really think there would be more to this one.. i can see where the Boss would be angry.. I mean, if I was away from work, unannounced for several hours and didnt even call to let them know where i was, i'd probably lose my job too; regardless of what i was doing.

Re: Slice of mercy
Mar 11, 2003, 10:13
Re: Slice of mercy Mar 11, 2003, 10:13
Mar 11, 2003, 10:13
I'm personally hoping that this woman's getting a tonne of offers for better jobs rather than go back to delivering pizzas (at least not at that particular place). From what I read, she didn't have much choice in what she did. In fact, she may even have grounds for a wrongful dismissal suit.

Mar 11, 2003, 10:12
Cripes Mar 11, 2003, 10:12
Mar 11, 2003, 10:12
I waited too long on that auction. I watched it for over 48 hours and it wasn't pulled.

Go figure.

$40K to carry a baby. Didn't seem to be a joke per se.

How many toes does a fish have?
How many wings on a cow? I wonder, yep. I wonder!
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Re: Slice of mercy
Mar 11, 2003, 10:10
Re: Slice of mercy Mar 11, 2003, 10:10
Mar 11, 2003, 10:10
Yeah, that was an amazing article. I liked the part about:

"She was away from her job for no good reason."

Really shows how what value they place on human life...

Blue, if your house is like mine, you NEVER walk around barefoot first thing in the morning. Who knows what you'll step in in the darkness.

Slice of mercy
Mar 11, 2003, 10:05
Slice of mercy Mar 11, 2003, 10:05
Mar 11, 2003, 10:05
"We feel just as bad as the next guy, but we don't pay employees to be EMTs (emergency medical technicians), which she isn't," supervisor Jason Boyd told the Selkirk Journal last week.

Boyd said he didn't fire McAulay for helping the gunshot victim. "She was away from her job for no good reason." The owners of Frank's Pizza could not be reached for comment yesterday.

Wow. Is that cold or what? I'm betting this is reversed after the public outcry (and lost business) with a statement like, "oh, it was just a misunderstanding, we think she's a hero".

edit - Thinking about it further makes me think that maybe there is more to this story than what's being reported... kind of like the anti-war t-shirt guy. Has to be.

Of course I could be wrong... but really, what are the chances of that happening twice?

This comment was edited on Mar 11, 10:09. DAMMIT!!!
This comment was edited on Mar 11, 10:10.
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