My vet too has cautioned me about switching foods on my two cats. The first time I did (from kitten food to adult cat food) it took 3 weeks to change them over. The next time I did it (from adult food to diet adult food) I changed over immediately because I was out of the high-calorie stuff. Fortunately, they seemed to suffer no side effects in the litter box or outside it.
HOWEVER, I have discovered that this same phenomenon affects people -- specifically me -- as well. I recently traveled to Thailand and was very cautious about what I ate or drank to prevent problem. Alas, it did no good as simply the different food and climate did in my digestive system. It settled down after about 5 days and I was fine.
Of course, when I returned to the US this week I had to go through the same adjustment all over again.
If someone could only switch over MY food slowly...
Bob James
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