What were you doing in IT at age 16?
I was coding in C/C++ for a Furniture Manufacturer who was developing point-of-sale devices for retail store floors. The only reason they took a chance on me (at 16) doing that type of job was that I was working there as a CAD Draftsman for their CNC router since I was 14, so they knew me. (And my dad got me that CAD job, so props to him.)
You can complain about their prices all you want,
Actually, I never mentioned prices. Since this was primarily a discussion of browsers (every one of which is currently free or nearly-free) that didn't enter into it.
I'm surprised a crusty old IT man, like yourself, hasn't fell into realism like I have. In IT, you use the best tool for the job, if you know what you are doing. Who gives a shit what brand it is?
I care, precisely
because most people don't think about it. What opportunities are we missing out on because Microsoft's de-facto monopoly is preventing competition? Browsers are one of the areas that other companies have managed to give them some little run-for-their-money, and it's thanks to companies like Opera and Netscape that we have cool features like tabbed browsing and mouse gestures. MS tends to dominate an area, then sit comfortably there and do as little innovation as possible. Innovation requires competitive pressure.
That's why I care, and why I try to get others to care. Is it tiring "giving a shit?" Sure. But I'm not ready to give up and "fall into realism" just yet, thanks.
Having said all that, I'm not very strident about it. If you'll look back at my first few posts in this thread, you'll see that I was much more pro-Mozilla than anti-IE, until people started asking polite questions like, "Why don't you use IE?" I was just responding with my personal biases, not dictated what others should do.
I just wanted to make sure that people who like IE now aren't scared off by all the "IE will get you hacked" propaganda.
Well, how is it propaganda if it's just reporting facts? I've even posted links to the most recent major security flaw. How exactly have you refuted this? Or are you just saying that the chance of being affected by the holes is so small, there's no point in worrying? Like I said in an earlier post... one time affected is too many. Do whatever you’d like, but I don’t see any compelling reasons to take the chance.
I'm using Mozilla 1.3b right now, and I like it.
Yep... that's the first thing I said in this thread, and it was really my only point. Glad we kind of came around full circle there.
Edit: replying to your edit
This comment was edited on Feb 19, 12:21.
Computer over?
Virus = very yes?
That's not a good prize!