This isn’t aimed directly at you, Jeff, but since you said it in one of your posts, I figured I will address it. I hear it all the time…….
If you want to be hardcore here, this "I only use Windows for gaming" idea is a joke. If you are truly against everything Microsoft stands for, then there is no excuse for using Windows for ANY reason. Here is a parallel example of your stance, which uses religion and porn:
“I am a man of god, and I follow the word of the Bible. All of you are going to hell of you don’t give yourselves over to the lord as I have………………. Never you mind that I run a porn site, cause I need the money right now….times are tough and Satan provides me with what need, though only for now. When I don’t need the money any more, I will stop running my porn site.”
What you are essentially saying is, you are anti-MS, but you are ok with using their software as long as it suits your needs…since you have no alternative. Anyway you look at it, even if you STEAL the software, you are still supporting Microsoft, and you are not standing by your own spouted convictions.
He cut the possum's face off then cut around the eye socket. In the center of the belt buckle, where the possum's eye would be, he has placed a small piece of wood from his old '52 Ford's home made railroad tie bumper. Damn, he misses that truck.