February MMO Updates

The Time of Defiance Website features details about the contents of the February update for Nicely Crafted Entertainment's MMO RTS game, including some screenshots. Word is to expect the patch, which includes new units and other major enhancements, "towards the end of this week." Also, Microsoft sends word that the February Asheron's Call 2 update has gone live, featuring a "new, opening chapter of Asheron’s Call 2: Fallen Kings epic storyline, new high-level content and quests, and new UI improvements, including a one-click ability to loot corpses and transmute items to gold." Here is a bit more on the update, titled "Ambuscade," which includes word on how the included mounts will work:
“Ambuscade” will most notably feature the addition of in-game mounts. A range of beautiful creatures will be available to players, allowing them to move about the landscape speedily. The secret to mastering these mounts, the “Ataurs” lies within the beginning of AC2’s first epic story arc. As players explore and work together to counter the threat of a Fallen King, they will unlock the ability to master the Ataurs and use them in their cause to rebuild Dereth.
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Uh oh...
Feb 18, 2003, 19:10
Uh oh... Feb 18, 2003, 19:10
Feb 18, 2003, 19:10
"a one-click ability to loot corpses and transmute items to gold"

Oh, man, don't get THOSE two mixed up...

Feb 19, 2003, 04:52
AC2 Feb 19, 2003, 04:52
Feb 19, 2003, 04:52
This game embodies everything that is bad in games. It was released far too early. It was laden with exploits. It still has so many bugs and broken skills, that the PR people say they are "challenging" to overcome.

MS and Turbine have basically lied, cheated, and in a sense, stole from the gamers who made the mistake of purchasing this sub standard game.

AC2 is not worthy of a mention on this fine website, except maybe to demonstrate how not to release and run a MMORPG.

This so called "Epic story arc" is nothing more than marketing smoke blown up gamers a$$es. The touted features of this game exist only in press releases. They have in reality, been poorly implimented in the game. Many skills are still broken, some entire classes have been literally nerfed out of existance, and more bugs are introduced with each patch than are fixed.

This game is nothing more than a "pay to play" extended beta.

Edit: Oh, and regarding this latest new PR spin...

Mounts are nothing more than a money sink disguised as a pretty run buff. They have a limited duration, and you must pay every time you summon them.Also, you cannot do anything on them, other than run, and they unsummon immediately upon dismounting.

The new high level content consists of mounts and 1 other quest, and some new "undead" versions of the same old monsters. Most players have finished with this content on the first day.

The UI "improvements" have been noted by the devs on their State of the Code page as being buggy, yet were implimented anyway. Yes it is possible to one click trasmute all the junk loot into gold, but you run the possibility of locking up your inventory each time, and have to log out and in to clear it.

And there is no rebuilding of the world. Well, not unless you count the fact that the devs took out trees and other landscape objects because thier pi$$ poor monster AI and pathing was always getting stuck on them, and their antiquated client/server code could not always display these objects on client machines, causing rubberbanding and lag.

This comment was edited on Feb 19, 05:04.
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Re: AC2
Feb 19, 2003, 08:40
Re: AC2 Feb 19, 2003, 08:40
Feb 19, 2003, 08:40
Ranting on the vault not enough for you anymore?

For what it's worth, Stanly here was a supporter of AC2 until he was banned from it way back in beta, at which point he became one of it's loudest detractors.

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