Hitman 1 was awesome, I loved it. But Hitman 2 just sucks so much. Hitman2 might as well not have a storyline its so poor. Your a freaking hitman not James Bond!!! Why does Hitman 2 encourage guns before stealth Mowing everyone down shouldn't be an option. It affects the gameplay, and it shouldn't have been designed that way. The first may have been bloody impossible to some, but the sense of achievement you get when you pull it of is unmatched. If you wanted the perfect hit you had to be perfect. simple. Hitman 2 is so easy and the missions are crap. None of the missions in H2 come close to Traditions of the Trade.
There was a genuine sense of character development in the original story which was helped by the excellent storyline and targets...
Compare the target personalities to the original Hitman..in the original u have like the dentist where you had to get hold of his bomb, only to find he could be having lunch, going for a swim (under the eyes of that huge female ttendant), enjoying the sauna or playing in the casino. And even when succeeding here, you had to kill his brother. All the time, you'd be under the eye of loads of guests, security guards, and a SWAT team waiting around just in case. So that only left getting out of the hotel with a large bomb in a case.
Or how about Lee Hong? Where if you decide to try and poison him when he's going for a meal, 9 times out of 10 his bodyguard will taste it first and then all hell broke loose. Then he'll run of to someplace else and his guards will be on full alert. All the targets in H2 seem a bit shallow. No ingame cutscenes sucked as well. They added loads to the sense of being a cool assassin where you got shown your assassination. You don't even get a frikkin Sniper case, how lame is that??
Hitman 2 is like Nolf 2 was to Nolf 1. Took away everything that was good and made it more mainstream (though unlike Hitman 2, I still love Nolf 2).
This comment was edited on Feb 5, 20:49.