All I can see here is Blah Blah Blah Blah.
You cannot compare the demo to the full version as it has a lot more to offer.
The long lasting playability, the different game modes, the hidden characters to uncover, the hidden bonus material to uncover, you dont need a huge system with a Geforce 4 to play it, the come-back-to-play appeal, and the fun of it.
Remember its not a PORN game young boys, its slapstick ala Benny Hill, its fun, its funny, lots to uncover (even the website has special sections for the longer big posters on the forum, better pics, movies, mp3's).
Leisure Suit Larry is more adult than BKB thats true but at no time did BKB supposed to be xxx rated.
Do not be put off with some of the comments here, goto the site and download the demo and try it for yourself, remember the demo is limited some moves (like Venus's steal the Bikini) isnt enabled. Go have fun and enjoy the atmosphere with the other members we do not bite!!