Morgan19: You'll notice that nobody is being really whiny as you put it. I think it's more a question of why is it so large. Although I was looking around and it looks like most good custom UT2003 maps are 11-20 megs. This is because of all the textures and statics that go into the map. Also looking at the screen shots show what kind of detail they are putting in there and thus why the size whould be so big.
It's nice that we are getting free stuff, and even better that the game can look this good. But having 6 gig's taken up by UT2003(Just one game) is just a huge part of the HD taken up. I'm wondering how big U2 turned out to be... I guess I just don't like the grow trend of having these huge installed games, not to mention that I still need the cd in the drive to play it. ^_^;;