UT2003 Bonus Pack Tomorrow

Digital Extremes sends word to expect their Bonus Pack for Unreal Tournament 2003 tomorrow at 2:00 PM EST. Accompanying the announcement are two new screenshots, and here is how they describe the contents:
Sizing in at around 195 Megs, the DE Bonus Pack includes 6 all new maps - 3 deathmatch, 2 CTF and 1 Bombing Run. Here's a couple of screens to whet your appetite until tomorrow.

The Bonus Pack will be available in two forms - umod form and a zip file that extracts the map/textures/static meshs to the correct spots for people who don't have the latest patch (v. 2166) or who are running dedicated servers only. (umods sadly don't work without the latest patch or with server only versions.)
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27 Replies. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: 71.5MB ZIP not 195mb
Sep 3, 2020, 18:20
Re: 71.5MB ZIP not 195mb Sep 3, 2020, 18:20
Sep 3, 2020, 18:20
The Relentless wrote on Jan 31, 2003, 17:15:
Just wanted let the non broadband folks know that it won't take 30 days to download. only 13 or so.

And now we complain about 35 gb day one patches.
Avatar 58135
Re: 71.5MB ZIP not 195mb
Jan 31, 2003, 19:38
Re: 71.5MB ZIP not 195mb Jan 31, 2003, 19:38
Jan 31, 2003, 19:38
Try about 20 minutes, with download speeds fluctuating between 30 and 60 kb. Although the levels aren't particularly ground-breaking, they certainly are a study in how to make beautiful, believable environments. I really like the level that has a "Jurassic Park facility/overgrown foliage" feel to it... I have a feeling that mappers are going to make some great levels with these textures.


This comment was edited on Jan 31, 19:38.
Avatar 11406
Re: 71.5MB ZIP not 195mb
Jan 31, 2003, 17:21
Re: 71.5MB ZIP not 195mb Jan 31, 2003, 17:21
Jan 31, 2003, 17:21
Cool! Thanks for the heads up!

71.5MB ZIP not 195mb
Jan 31, 2003, 17:15
71.5MB ZIP not 195mb Jan 31, 2003, 17:15
Jan 31, 2003, 17:15
Just wanted let the non broadband folks know that it won't take 30 days to download. only 13 or so.

Avatar 16014
Re: #15
Jan 31, 2003, 13:38
Re: #15 Jan 31, 2003, 13:38
Jan 31, 2003, 13:38
Although I have to wonder just how much stuff you've downloaded for UT2k3 if your UT folder is 6 gigs, and what's the problem with 120 mb's more, 6 gb is really small change when compared to the 120+ gb drives out there. It's still a somewhat valid argument though, especially if your computer's more than a few years old and you don't have a larger "modern" drive. (But then again, if you *do* have an old system you probably wouldn't be able to run UTk3 or U2 in the first place...)

As for your getting tired of having the CD in the drive, there's always the zillions of No-CD patches for just about any game you have. If you actually own the game, there's no one stopping you from backing up the appropriate .exe and applying the patch to get around the CD problem. Wham, problem solved, end of story.


Avatar 11406
Re: No subject
Jan 31, 2003, 02:20
Re: No subject Jan 31, 2003, 02:20
Jan 31, 2003, 02:20
No, Lava Giant ][ was cut from the game -- not finished in time. It was in their early lists of levels and then disappeared from the final release. Speculation was, correctly it seems, that it would be part of a bonus pack.

*edit* Should be interesting to see what they've done with the idea. I imagine it'll be graphically spectacular in UT2k3.

This comment was edited on Jan 31, 02:22.
Re: No subject
Jan 30, 2003, 22:15
Re: No subject Jan 30, 2003, 22:15
Jan 30, 2003, 22:15
I thought Magma was suppose to be LavaGiant][??
"I trust in my abilites,
but I want more then they offer"
Re: UT2
Jan 30, 2003, 20:22
Re: UT2 Jan 30, 2003, 20:22
Jan 30, 2003, 20:22
The name of the 6 maps was posted on the beyondunreal forum.

Re: UT2
Jan 30, 2003, 19:19
Re: UT2 Jan 30, 2003, 19:19
Jan 30, 2003, 19:19


By the end of the game, my Deus Ex saves were pushing the 20MB mark.

Dying for Thief 3 hinkfo,

The FX is here. Now where is my Barton???
Yes, it is stupid to use "secret text" for signatures!
Everything is awesome!!!
I love you, mom.
Avatar 2647
Jan 30, 2003, 19:09
UT2 Jan 30, 2003, 19:09
Jan 30, 2003, 19:09
UT2 I asume is going to be around 2 gig. I just wonder if the saves are going to be as big as Deus Ex, 7 meg a pop!

This comment was edited on Jan 30, 19:09.
Re: No subject
Jan 30, 2003, 19:05
Re: No subject Jan 30, 2003, 19:05
Jan 30, 2003, 19:05
One of the reason it's so large is that it also include a lot of artwork not released with the game (prefab, texture, etc...) that are not used in those 6 maps, but that should help the community make other maps.

Don't worry, I think the Epic Bonus Pack will be 300MB

No subject
Jan 30, 2003, 18:54
No subject Jan 30, 2003, 18:54
Jan 30, 2003, 18:54
One of the reasons its so large will be due to new textures etc.
I'm not complaining though - I want ElectricFields and LavaGiant][

PMB / Shodan
Avatar 4537
Re: 195MB?
Jan 30, 2003, 18:49
Re: 195MB? Jan 30, 2003, 18:49
Jan 30, 2003, 18:49
Morgan19: You'll notice that nobody is being really whiny as you put it. I think it's more a question of why is it so large. Although I was looking around and it looks like most good custom UT2003 maps are 11-20 megs. This is because of all the textures and statics that go into the map. Also looking at the screen shots show what kind of detail they are putting in there and thus why the size whould be so big.

It's nice that we are getting free stuff, and even better that the game can look this good. But having 6 gig's taken up by UT2003(Just one game) is just a huge part of the HD taken up. I'm wondering how big U2 turned out to be... I guess I just don't like the grow trend of having these huge installed games, not to mention that I still need the cd in the drive to play it. ^_^;;

Re: 195MB?
Jan 30, 2003, 18:37
Re: 195MB? Jan 30, 2003, 18:37
Jan 30, 2003, 18:37
My god, I can't believe you people are complaining about the size of something that you're getting from the devs for FREE. I shudder to think how whiny you all'd be if you had to buy the extra content! For those with broadband, no big deal. For those with modems, do like someone said below and download it overnight and get over it. It won't make a bit of a difference how long it took t download once you have it in your greedy little hands, have installed it, and are enjoying what they've put out for free for people who enjoy the game.


This comment was edited on Jan 30, 18:41.
Avatar 11406
Re: 195MB?
Jan 30, 2003, 18:14
Re: 195MB? Jan 30, 2003, 18:14
Jan 30, 2003, 18:14
I guess they've since decided that size doesn't matter?
Yeh, I guess they binned that policy shortly after they gave up on the concepts of "quality" and "innovation". At least they're acknowledging that some people run dedicated servers and are releasing a .zip version - nothing I like more than trying to upgrade servers with a .exe patch that won't install for some stupid reason.

not trolling, promise!
Jan 30, 2003, 17:49
not trolling, promise! Jan 30, 2003, 17:49
Jan 30, 2003, 17:49
Mibby i`m just being overly positive here, but i think it's great that games companies do this sort of thing, effectively for free. OK, i have cable, but if the new maps don't appear on a magazine cover CD within a week or so then i'll be surprised.

Normally this sort of thing appears on the "best of / game of the year" edition, so if you want them, you have to pay again. I'll be getting them, and am not gonna look a gift-horse in the mouth!

Re: 195MB?
Jan 30, 2003, 17:42
Re: 195MB? Jan 30, 2003, 17:42
Jan 30, 2003, 17:42
The bonus pack with the new announcer voices is coming from Epic, not Digital Extremes. No word on when it's out, although they are testing it now.

Re: 195MB?
Jan 30, 2003, 17:41
Re: 195MB? Jan 30, 2003, 17:41
Jan 30, 2003, 17:41
195 meg for 6 maps? I am missing something or are these maps the size of Chicago?

EDIT: Tyrlan already mentioned this. Beat me to it


Re: 195MB?
Jan 30, 2003, 17:36
Re: 195MB? Jan 30, 2003, 17:36
Jan 30, 2003, 17:36
I don't mind the size... but well 200 megs for 6 maps? Not to mention that i'll probably only play on the BR one, MAYBE the CTF's sometime.

I think this leads back to my only complaint about UT2003... Why the heck wasn't it just released on DVD, instead of 3 cd's Or at least given us the option.

Re: Eh?
Jan 30, 2003, 17:35
Re: Eh? Jan 30, 2003, 17:35
Jan 30, 2003, 17:35
Set up your download before you go to bed. If I'm lucky, I get around 20meg an hour over dial-up. So I'll just set it up and check on it in the morning...

27 Replies. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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