Unreal II & More Game Movies

The Unreal II: The Awakening Media Index on GameSpot now offers free downloads of a new Unreal II movie, as well as a couple of other movies that can only be accessed by subscribers to their complete service. Also, there's a new Iritor Online Trailer on RPG Vault, featuring "A look at a mech entering a hive-like colony of the Mutaloi, an insect-like species in Wootsoft's online world." Also, three new Tomb Raider movies are available, which are part of a planned promotional campaign between Eidos and G4 (the game cable television channel). The movies can be found on Gamer's Hell and Worthplaying. Meanwhile, on the console front, there's a new Halo 2 movie on Xbox.Com (thanks Gamer's Hell, though they point out this is actually just a succession of still images), and a new English Soul Calibur 2 Official Site is online with a new gameplay trailer from this fighting game sequel. Finally, there's a Devastation movie on Worthplaying, but this was released over the summer, so if you've been keeping up with this, you are already set.
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39 Replies. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: Fucking Halo 2
Feb 4, 2003, 01:21
Re: Fucking Halo 2 Feb 4, 2003, 01:21
Feb 4, 2003, 01:21
Well, if you want to condone pirating software without no repricusion then why not? You're already stealing and breaking the law. What? There is something wrong with a criminal getting due justice? Obviously you have no ethics, so sure. By your standard, why not? You'd probably cry murder if these war criminals got the death penalty.
You took the moral aproach, funny.

my 360 user name is Robo Pop
Re: Fucking Halo 2
Feb 4, 2003, 00:18
Re: Fucking Halo 2 Feb 4, 2003, 00:18
Feb 4, 2003, 00:18
Oh, so if you just tell someone to do something then you have no responsibility for the actions? So I guesse we should just let all those war criminals go free, because they didnt actually torture/kill people, they just "had their" soldiers do it.

Re: Fucking Halo 2
Feb 3, 2003, 20:04
Re: Fucking Halo 2 Feb 3, 2003, 20:04
Feb 3, 2003, 20:04
LOL, anon. Read those quotes again. Carefully. I know you can do it.

I said I would have 'MY FRIEND' put the virus in the game, I didn't say I would. So, not only did I not lie, but I upped one on you buddy. You had better hope I'm not stupid, by your definition, otherwise your in the kitchen cooking up a whole lot of dumb! I forgive your blind haste.

As far as the Xbox demo thing, my bad. I don't even follow the console scene. Still, pc demos are free, you have to buy the magazine for the xbox. Still, Xbox in now online. Hmmm, maybe you can download small demos onto its hard drive?

my 360 user name is Robo Pop
Re: Fucking Halo 2
Feb 3, 2003, 17:33
Re: Fucking Halo 2 Feb 3, 2003, 17:33
Feb 3, 2003, 17:33
Hey tony you might rethink your plan of lying on the same page the evidence is in...

Tony:"I didn't say I was going to, how did you spell it, "spread virii"! LOL "
and at the bottom of this page...
Tony:"I'm going to have my friend put in on the net with a nasty virus"

My guess is that you are a liar AND incredibly stupid.

Re: Fucking Halo 2
Feb 3, 2003, 05:30
Re: Fucking Halo 2 Feb 3, 2003, 05:30
Feb 3, 2003, 05:30
Maybe you should just get an Xbox? Oh wait, no demos! Thats right
Strange, I could have sworn there was such a thing as an Xbox Magazine which had cover discs on it containing demos..

I downloaded Unreal 2 and im damn well glad I did. If I shelled out on £30 for it due to there being no demo, I would have been gutted. The game is piss poor and should be a budget £5 game.

There is no demo of the game because people would be put off from buying it. Hence them only showing a movie of probably the best bits from the game (the game only has 2 minutes of decent gameplay from what ive seen so far)

Your giving us other Tony's a bad name Tony!!! (yeah im called Tony..)

Re: Fucking Halo 2
Jan 31, 2003, 14:40
Re: Fucking Halo 2 Jan 31, 2003, 14:40
Jan 31, 2003, 14:40
???Maybe I should spend more time reading english text books???

I've gotta say that I don't follow your there. I know you can't be referring to my previous post. Although I didn't comb through it looking for grammical errors, it's quite legible. And read what I wrote there buddy. I didn't say I was going to, how did you spell it, "spread virii"! LOL You crack me up. Now that's the pot calling the kettle black.

And if your pc can't run this game, well too bad for you. System requirements are going up this year, like it or not. Did you think your Gforce 2 would last forever? Maybe you should just get an Xbox? Oh wait, no demos! Thats right.

And you say you have better things to do with your time and life than embark on personal crusades? Like what, spend night and day downloading a single program because your to cheap to actually buy a $40-$50 game? I guess that paper route you have isn't paying the bills. Oh well, It sucks to be you.

my 360 user name is Robo Pop
Re: No subject
Jan 31, 2003, 12:49
Re: No subject Jan 31, 2003, 12:49
Jan 31, 2003, 12:49
Yeah, as if you wouldn't do that even if there was a demo.

This space is available for rent
Re: No subject
Jan 31, 2003, 11:52
Re: No subject Jan 31, 2003, 11:52
Jan 31, 2003, 11:52
"I'm warezing this one just out of spite."

You hit the nail right on the head dude... I'm with ya.

Re: No subject
Jan 29, 2003, 18:27
Re: No subject Jan 29, 2003, 18:27
Jan 29, 2003, 18:27
If devs bit the bullet and started making games with FMV that meant DVD-ROMs, piracy would drop again, just like it did when CD's first came out and burners and broadband were expensive/nonexistent. Games like BF42 take about 1.6GB. How many people would try and DL a 16GB game?
I think Klingon Academy was on 6 CD's because of FMV...on a DVD that FMV could be TV-quality instead of the crappy compressed stuff they made it to fit on 6 CDs.
Bang, now your game takes an entire DVD. Sure, MAYBE someone could download it if they left their PC on overnight, but it would be harder to find. Couple that with the still scarce incidence of DVD burners out there and people would either buy or pass.

The Jedi Master

Re: No subject
Jan 29, 2003, 05:47
Re: No subject Jan 29, 2003, 05:47
Jan 29, 2003, 05:47
Don't buy it? But maybe I'll like it and want to buy it?
I'm to busy to wait for and track down reviews that may or may not be written by writers on the payroll of the game's publishers when I could be playing games instead. Saying I was going to get it out of spite was just trash talk emphasizing my disbelief at the situation. When I download a game I don't do it to get something for free I do it to decide if I want to buy it or not. (indented/italic)
Well that 'splains thins, Lucy, and is completely different from what most people think of as "warez" (i.e., download, play, end of story), so your gambling analogy makes perfect sense.

Hello fellow bluers...
Jan 29, 2003, 03:50
Hello fellow bluers... Jan 29, 2003, 03:50
Jan 29, 2003, 03:50
My thoughts on Unreal II...

I look at it this way, Legend is contracted by Epic to do the job of making Unreal II. Who knows how much they were contracted for, but it couldn't have been enough money to make up for how long they spent working on the product, obviously it was suppose to make Christmas. This spilt in the product was the only plan they "the producers/epic/legend" could come up with to have the much needed 3rd quarter revenue. Legend for pure survival reasons needs to move on, so they can start making real money again, not just enough to survive this horribly long hall. They want to do a good job, they did. I am sure the best they could, and now they must move on. Simple.

Infograms is in financial trouble, and has been for a few years this also not news. The only part of Infograms that is making money for them is the Unreal franchise. EA, Rockstar, Activision, and even sad little THQ are making a ton more money and product. Infograms have no console business, this is 95% of industries revenue the other 4% is the SIMS, 1% left for the rest of the PC products. Maybe my math is off a bit, but it not far off.

Infograms/Atari have also been late in paying bills, royalties, and generally mismanaged their products into a sad state. Epic knows this, they would rather be the shinning example of success in a smaller pond than just loose change on table of an EA or Microsoft. This puts them in a position of power, and I respect them taking advantage of creating a franchise that is in demand enough that they can get away with this way of thinking. The only other team is id software. Activison has a team of monkey’s working round the clock kissing everyone at id’s ass, and rightly so. They are Good money makers, and set a standard in technology that none have matched consistently.

Don't feel sorry for Infograms, they are short sighted, greedy, and not generally good decision makers. I predict Epic's properties will go to one of the larger more stable publishers Microsoft, and or EA very soon. Everything that everyone here is complaining about is a symptom of an under powered, under funded, under managed publishing house who is trying to compete in the modern sales war, and losing.

Many things could have been done to prevent this from happening, but they didn't do them. I am sure if the sales of the product are hurt by this lack of support Epic will move their great products to someone who can sell, market, and promote them properly.

Mr. Vexar has left the building under the cover of an Oakland Raiders banner and is moving to downtown Oak town, he is drawn to the warmth of the burning tires, and the friendly faces who reside there.

And as Yoda likes to say "These flame wars have just begun!"


It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed - The lips acquire stains - The stains become a warning - It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.

Piter-Menat Quo
Re: No subject
Jan 29, 2003, 02:52
Re: No subject Jan 29, 2003, 02:52
Jan 29, 2003, 02:52
As it stands I do have a house, three cars and three kids. My wife is home with the kids. I can appreciate the tight money thing. One salary (I teach) is stretching it

Ouch. I shudder to imagine.
(I make games for a living.)

Re: No subject
Jan 29, 2003, 02:35
Re: No subject Jan 29, 2003, 02:35
Jan 29, 2003, 02:35
I understand what your saying, even if I couldn't do it myself. As it stands I do have a house, three cars and three kids. My wife is home with the kids. I can appreciate the tight money thing. One salary (I teach) is stretching it even taking every extra assignment I can. My tirade is really aimed at the little warez monkeys who have no intention of buying this game or any other they can steal. I just get carried away with it...

Re: No subject
Jan 29, 2003, 02:18
Re: No subject Jan 29, 2003, 02:18
Jan 29, 2003, 02:18
Whining losers to be precise. If you don't buy games without a demo -- then DON'T BUY IT. At least then you'll have the consolation of your principles. As for stealing it as "pay back", that says a lot about you, not the developers

Don't buy it? But maybe I'll like it and want to buy it?
I'm to busy to wait for and track down reviews that may or may not be written by writers on the payroll of the game's publishers when I could be playing games instead. Saying I was going to get it out of spite was just trash talk emphasizing my disbelief at the situation. When I download a game I don't do it to get something for free I do it to decide if I want to buy it or not. And despite what anyone may be believe I actually DO buy games that I've downloaded for free. Why? Because if they've made a game that holds up to it's specs and is enjoyable to me, they deserve my cash. If not, delete, money saved. When you're paying a mortgage, making car payments for 3 cars and have a kid on the way, maybe you'll rethink how easily you throw money away on a gamble. And yes I do expect a demo for free. Just like I expect movie trailers for free to see if I'm interested. I'd never rely on just the reviews.

People that download games with no intention of ever buying them ARE scum though, I'll give you that.

No subject
Jan 29, 2003, 00:07
No subject Jan 29, 2003, 00:07
Jan 29, 2003, 00:07
When I buy Unreal 2, I'm going to have my friend put in on the net with a nasty virus. For real, and I hope all you cheap ass thieving loosers get it! And good riddence if you do! I saw the trailer and this game looks awesome. The folks who work thier asses off to bring us this kind of entertainment deserve the pay they get. You loosers! Just wait!


And if the spelling doesn't convince you he's serious, surely the triple exclamation points will.


Cry 'havoc', and let slip the dogs o' war!
This comment was edited on Jan 29, 00:08.
"Oh that's blue. He's an old navy vet that hangs around my store a lot. But don't worry about it, he's legit."
Re: Fucking Halo 2
Jan 29, 2003, 00:00
Re: Fucking Halo 2 Jan 29, 2003, 00:00
Jan 29, 2003, 00:00
#17: "When I buy Unreal 2, I'm going to have my friend put in on the net with a nasty virus. For real, and I hope all you cheap ass thieving loosers get it! And good riddence if you do! I saw the trailer and this game looks awesome. The folks who work thier asses off to bring us this kind of entertainment deserve the pay they get. You loosers! Just wait!


Calm down Tony!!! Too damn many theives on these boards, I admit. Most of their complaints go: "OOOhh! They didn't give me free stuff! I'll have to steal it now." Losers. Whining losers to be precise. If you don't buy games without a demo -- then DON'T BUY IT. At least then you'll have the consolation of your principles. I probably will buy it, but it depends on reviews and word of mouth about the game. For those hardware worry worts, most reviewers post their specs and people on any forum will generally tell you theirs. That should be enough to go on. A demo would have been nice, but oh well, were not getting one. As for stealing it as "pay back", that says a lot about you, not the developers. And if you were wondering, it isn't good.

*edit* The way theives justify what they do always sets me off. No real use posting on it, it's not like they'll have an attack of conscience. It does help me to vent about it though. My 2 cents.

*edit2* Some clarification. I need to do that sometimes when I'm ticked off.

This comment was edited on Jan 29, 00:06.
Re: Voice acting is HORRIBLE!!!
Jan 28, 2003, 23:41
Re: Voice acting is HORRIBLE!!! Jan 28, 2003, 23:41
Jan 28, 2003, 23:41
#18 -- Chris

I didn't realize that the "kid" was supposed to be that way as part of the story like that. If that's so, then I take it all back.

Re: Fucking Halo 2
Jan 28, 2003, 22:25
Re: Fucking Halo 2 Jan 28, 2003, 22:25
Jan 28, 2003, 22:25
When I buy Unreal 2, I'm going to have my friend put in on the net with a nasty virus. For real, and I hope all you cheap ass thieving loosers get it! And good riddence if you do! I saw the trailer and this game looks awesome. The folks who work thier asses off to bring us this kind of entertainment deserve the pay they get. You loosers! Just wait!

Cheap ass? Haha yeah I'm cheap. Cheap as in I don't play Slot machines or Roulette.
They deserve my money if they actually made something I can run and that I'm interested in. I'll never know from some 30 second video, or some other guy's opinion/review, I'll know if I like it from actually trying it. If they made something that won't run on my system or that I lose interest in after 10 minutes, they don't deserve my money.
And making me pay to see a 30 second video of the game is even more outrageous.
What we're dealing with here is a publisher cheaping out and refusing to fund the development of a demo because they know millions of people will pay for it regardless.
As a result it's gonna bite them in the ass in regards to piracy.
You call me a loser? At least I have better things to do with my time and life than attempt to spread virii on a futile personal crusade of righteousness. Maybe your time would be better spent reading your English class textbooks.

No subject
Jan 28, 2003, 22:12
No subject Jan 28, 2003, 22:12
Jan 28, 2003, 22:12
"I'm warezing this one just out of spite."


Re: What good is a game movie?
Jan 28, 2003, 21:40
Re: What good is a game movie? Jan 28, 2003, 21:40
Jan 28, 2003, 21:40
Until games are sufficiently diverse enough to appeal to a wide range of consumers as, say, movies are, they will not be able to get by on disingenuous marketing techniques (like game movies). In the near-vertical market of the boy-gamer, pay-to-preview will never work.

- The video/computer-games market already surpasses the film industry in gross sales (in the U.S. at least).

- It may irritate you (like it irritates me) that there will be only Unreal2 videos rather than a demo, but there is nothing "disingenuous" about marketing the game this way.

39 Replies. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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