Lately I've had some serious glitches with my gaming computer, and as a
temporary network troubleshooting effort as much as anything, installed a couple
of games on my work computer as a control test. As it turns out, this measure
may be more than temporary, as this machine seems to not only clear up the
problem I was addressing, and plays everything I've tried so far flawlessly, in
spite of this machine's use of Windows 2000 Professional, which Microsoft
readily admits is not very well suited for game playing. Go fig.
Assuming this isn't a joke, and I don't think it is, can anyone imagine even one of these things being sold? Where do you put it, over a hole in the backyard? How about those sturdy legs... and are those footpegs made of rebar? Please, someone explain this to me.
----------------------------------------- Of course I could be wrong... but really, what are the chances of that happening twice?