Good grief - you're right. Thanks for pointing it out, I'd never have found it otherwise. It's a pretty idiotic user interface decision (you have to select the map computer, then select "IGI HQ", then select "upload data to IGI headquarters") to do it this way, instead of having a menu option (or even a quicksave key) but at least it's there!
Having played through this a few times, I'm still amazed at how little has changed since the first one. The AI is still terrible (I've had a guy shooting at me, I run up beside him, and he's still looking at where I was and shooting...), there are still plenty of "locked rooms full of guards which pour out when the alarm goes off" (because in real life, guards always lock themselves in their baracks, right?)... this is really IGI 1.1, not IGI 2.0.
I might buy it anyway, though.

The addition of a save game feature should drastically reduce the frustration of the original, and (whatever my gripes) the demo still feels "fun".