Online Ages Beyond Myst to Begin Closed Beta Testing in January 2003 is the
press release announcing that Uru: Online Ages Beyond Myst will be the title of
the upcoming online Myst game, and that registration is currently underway to
participate in the game's beta testing. Those interested
register for the beta on
the game's official
website, and here's a bit on the game, including the use of voice
communication: "Uru will take advantage of broadband to deliver a
continually updated, immersive environment and storyline, with content that
grows, changes and evolves constantly. It will also be the first persistent
world to support real-time voice communication. Uru is designed to appeal to a
broad audience and enable players of all skill levels and interests to
experience expansive ages of the Myst universe in a uniquely social environment.
Playing their own avatars, hundreds of thousands of players will meet new
people, all realistic impersonations of themselves, play games, solve mysteries
and embark on a voyage of discovery with friends. Players will be able to
customize their level of interaction with other players, choosing to play alone,
with small groups of friends or in areas where they can meet new people." A
batch of
screenshots and concept art accompany the announcement.