Out of the Blue

Happy New Year! I hope everyone who celebrated last night had a safe and happy time, and that those hang-overs aren't too bad. I got to be designated driver for our own festivities, so my own head is fine today. What was interesting was how deserted the roads were where we drove last night. I was prepared to be quite wary of erratic drivers, but there were none to be found, nor were there any sober ones either, which was certainly a relief. Anyway, here's to a great 2003!

Links of the Day: Happy 20th anniversary of the Internet.
Stories of the Day: Winner is: Year's dubious achievements.
Manhattan murders drop to 19th century levels. Thanks Chris Johnson.
Parents object to human sacrifice in school show. Thanks xombie b.
Wild Science: The Case for Drinking (All Together Now In Moderation!) (NY Times free registration required).
China unveils 420 km-h train and it's all done with magnets.
Weird Science: Police: GPS device used to stalk woman.
Follow-ups: Interactivity Final Project: MAVAV.org. Thanks Rubick.
Family turns grandma into diamond. Thanks bigtig67.

And, of course, thanks Mike Martinez =].

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GPS stalker
Jan 2, 2003, 01:50
GPS stalker Jan 2, 2003, 01:50
Jan 2, 2003, 01:50
Funny how they assume he was following her and that the GPS was installed for that purpose. Perhaps it was installed a long time ago for anti theft purposes.

Jan 1, 2003Jan 1 2003
Jan 1, 2003Jan 1 2003
Jan 1, 2003Jan 1 2003
Jan 1, 2003Jan 1 2003
Jan 1, 2003Jan 1 2003
Jan 1, 2003Jan 1 2003
Jan 2, 2003Jan 2 2003
 GPS stalker
Jan 2, 2003Jan 2 2003
Jan 2, 2003Jan 2 2003