Now, this will probably get me some of the oh-so-pleasant replies that we have all come to know and love <cough> on these boards......but I really cannot stand these new Apple (or similar-from other companies/in the past) advertisements.
I do not know how to say this without coming off like an asshole, but I swear those advertisements are targetting either the stoned or the stupid (or a combination thereof :o). I am no Windows lover; I am a gamer first and foremost. Give me price, performance, and options; that is all I really ask for. It is very hard for me to see any real worth with Apple's current computers, but they do have some merits of sorts. However, talk about them intelligently and do not take the "stupid" approach.
Advertising in general disgusts me, although it does, sadly, seem to have some type of affect on the general population of our capitalistic society. I do not particularly mind advertisements that inform you of new products or features, but I hate the ones that just try to bombard you with some type of urge to go out and purchase a given product.
Sincerely feeling this way, hoping I do not come off like a jerk :|,
Edit: Lazy typo...
Sex? Race? Religion? Nah...just refer to me as a human from Earth. marker up to 500 and allergic reactions to the one drug that is good at fighting pancreatic cancer. Damn.This comment was edited on Nov 2, 12:38.
Everything is awesome!!! love you, mom.