This is simply my opinion, but i seriously understand how the sikhs take their religion seriously, but what i dont understand, is why you dont see christians complaining their hearts out. Notice in that game the last level is basically a slaughter in a church, with even you shooting someone inside a confessional. I personally have no problem with this, as i know it's simply a game. In movies also, you see tons of movies where people are slaughtered in churches, racism, sexism, and even homophobia are taken to extremes. I've seen plenty of games, sites, books, magazines, you name it, that suggest killing of germans in modern times is a PLUS in the world, just because of their past, that i'm sure many feel they shouldnt be associated with. Yet out of all of these you still see very little to NO complaints. I very much do not understand that.
And Yes i personally have played through this game, every level, and I do not believe where they are coming from is correct. As stated earlier, tons of races are portrayed in that game, ranging from italians, to whites, to asians. All of them you can kill one and the same. Still no complaints from them. In fact i bet you a lot of them even enjoy this game. I'm hispanic, and personally, i couldnt care less if someone made a game where you kill a person who is brown skinned, has a mustache, wears a bandana, and is mowing a lawn while eating tacos bought from a taco van. You wanna know why? Because it's a game. People need to learn to differentiate between a game and real life. If you're not able to, there's a simple solution. Yep. Don't play it. If it offends you, dont buy it. And don't tell me stuff like "Well they dont know what kind of content is in the game." It just takes a few simple clicks to get a fast, quick, easy, and thorough review at one of hundreds of sites that provide game reviews online. Heck you could even ask a friend.
And also: In their petition, they listed the level description. They said "It clearly refers to etc etc." Guess what? They're assuming. For all they know, bob down in accounting could've had the idea for that level, as maybe his son or daughter was really into architecture, and likes to design buildings in their spare time. You can't base a whole case on an assumed fact. You should prove your "Educated Guesses" before you list them as true.
Once again these are my opinions only, and no i'm not saying everyone should feel like i do, just stating them
And Del, i agree with some of ur points, and this is no way an attack on you... but is ignorance your favorite word? I bet that has to be one of the top 5 said words in here behind racism, sikhs, hitler, and hitman... =P
This comment was edited on Nov 18, 02:20.