Is this the patch that is going to make this game fun like the first UT. This is the most boring piece of garbage I have played all year. If not, at least replace that stupid ass announcer so I can enable it and know what is going on in the boring game. I am waiting for the UT classic mod that I hope someone is working on to restore the fun. It has a great new engine and I love the Karma but what a disapointment with the gameplay and sounds.
It is kinda funny how we have BF1942's fun gameplay but slow buggy technology and UT2003's great technology but boring gameplay. Too bad we can't combine both games into one like Unreal 1942 or something and have a great game to play. Maybe I should make a mod for UT2003 like BF1942 since it supports vehicles and big terrain maps. Maybe my rants will get the fanboys hyped up and put this thread up in the popular threads so Sparrow will feel better. I give up.