Did they fix the bad looking player animations when running. All the models all look down at the ground while running and never move their necks like they are robots and it just looks stupid when spectating. CS has great animations and that is a very old game. Also there are ladders all over the levels in this game but no animations for climbing them. I expect new games with ladders in the levels to have the proper climbing animations. I understand why old games like CS don't have them. We are not restrained to Quake 2 or CS memory limits anymore Raven.
Stop making new weapons and levels which are not really needed and that any modder can make anyways. We need you to add the missing animations so the game looks better. It seems like modders don't have the skills to add stuff like animations with this ghool technology. Seems all those great character models/skins are wasted with the dumb stiff animations. You got the Urban Terror programmer... ask him how ladder climbing should be done. Tired of falling trying to go down them in this game and it stinks seeing others float up ladders because of no animations.
Don't bother replying to this unless you are with Raven... I know that Ken and others from Raven read these threads and I hope they will consider my comments. I also noticed it is sometimes hard to get thrue doors and tight spots. Is this because the colision box is a big box and would making it an 8 sided polygon make it smoother going thrue tight spots? I also think some of the footsteps sounds could be improved and should be in sync with the animations as well. I don't understand why this stuff cannot be corrected in this game?
I think these are valid observations so if you don't agree, you must be a poo-ass.
This comment was edited on Sep 24, 03:03.