Sharpei Diem:
Well said. You are getting close to my thought, but not quite. You can evolve the gameplay and the game rules (like bombing run) without making the weapons spray and pray. That is what I don't like. It seems to be a growing trend in games these days, and is designed to make the game easier for new people. People who think like I do will tell you that being able to keep your xhair on a player and rip them up is more exciting that just aiming in their general direction and letting the gun do the work. I am not against the evolution of the games at all, in fact, quite the contrary. I am against taking away weapons that reward skilled aim and strategy, and replacing them with n00b friendly weapons.
Trust me, I have no problem kicking ass in any of the games out now. I don't claim to be the best at any of them, but I am far above average in all the shooters I play. After 6+ years of online shooter playing, you develop a good mental toolset to quickly kick ass in just about any shooter. I didn't have the slightest problem getting kills in the UT2K3 demo, which was one of the things that makes it boring to me.
Look, I really don't expect any of you to understand my point. I am really picky about the shooters I play, and shooters are the ONLY video games I ever play. It is my problem, and I have to find a game I will enjoy. I just want to get my opinion out there because I hear people talk about this all the time.
I'm actually looking forward to Raven Shield although Im not into the other Rainbow Six games. That game will bring the aim factor back, and I think it will be good for me.
He cut the possum's face off then cut around the eye socket. In the center of the belt buckle, where the possum's eye would be, he has placed a small piece of wood from his old '52 Ford's home made railroad tie bumper. Damn, he misses that truck.