To no. 79's comment, yeah it did take some skill back then, but come on now, you still had the rocket launcher and you still had alot of splash damage, so as far as just skill, i disagree, you could stay alive more than just ten seconds as well, as far as all those old timers are concerned, the ones you say are so skilled, well alot of them cheated as well, though I will admitt to the fact that skill was important, it still is today, even in ut2k3. I too came up on games like doom and q1 etc but like everything in life there is always someone better than you in gaming, but there were alot of code cheats as well, as i am sure you are aware of also. And what about the chain gun etc you did not need alot of skill to use that, i think the skill you are really talkin about is sniping, now that was a skilled warrior, it took skill to snipe and kill 9 out of 10 times, but todays games are still as good if you just give them the time to learn different skills.
This comment was edited on Sep 20, 20:40.