BF1942 sucks as bad or worse than this game. FPS games have gone to hell these days. The game companies have dumbed them all down and nerfed the weapons so they can sell more copies. Meanwhile, people like myself who can remember how much skill it used to take to be good at these games (quake1/2) are left with a half-dead feeling while playing these new games. They just dont get us stoked. I'm pretty much out of the gaming scene until something worthwhile comes out.
BF1942 CREATORS: Go buy a copy of Tribes 2 and see how smooth a huge outdoor game with vehicles can be. Great concept, but shitty execution.
UT2K3 CREATORS: Thanks but no thanks. I was stoked about this game up until recently. It's just too cartooney and too spammy for me. I'm sure many of you gamers that have only been around the last 2-3 years will like it, but many hardcore gamers think it's weak.
No offense meant to any of you. I just think the quality is going downhill instead of getting better. I already regret buying BF1942 and I've only had it a week.
He cut the possum's face off then cut around the eye socket. In the center of the belt buckle, where the possum's eye would be, he has placed a small piece of wood from his old '52 Ford's home made railroad tie bumper. Damn, he misses that truck.