Sad news for you rabid FarScape fans, an update on The Digital Bits (thanks Mike Asbury) has word on how the Sci Fi channel has opted out of their contract for the show's fifth and sixth seasons, and offers details on where to write if you wish to express your ire over this to the powers-that-be, and there's even more on the just-launched Save Farscape campaign.
Play Time | Adult Swim (Flash required). Thanks EvilDigirat. |
Stories of the Day: |
Consumer groups press U.S. to attack spam.
Thanks Mike Martinez. Drive-by spam hits wireless LANs. Thanks Mike Martinez. If you build it... Microsoft, Allies Gear to Reshape Copyright Debate. Thanks Mike Martinez. Netizens Sept. 11 justifies Web blitz. Thanks Mike (who else?) Martinez. |
Weird Science: | Japan to test shuttle technology. Thanks Mike Martinez. Reinventing the wheel? |
Wild Science: | Rice code is 'greatest achievement'. Thanks Mike Martinez. HP to unveil nanotech breakthrough. Thanks Mike Martinez. Breakthrough gives diamond electronics sparkle. Thanks [MP] Wolverine [MP]. |
Image of the Day: | Hubble sees galactic wheel within a wheel. Thanks Mike Martinez. |
Follow-up: | UserFriendly Strip. Thanks Ant. |
The only bad part of today is that the Eagles lost a game they weren't supposed to win but had a chance to.
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