BF1942 MP Demo Patch & New Server

A new version 1.1 patch has been released for the Battlefield 1942 multiplayer demo and a version 1.1 dedicated server is likewise now available. The client patch is available on FilePlanet (registration required) and on 3D Gamers, and the latter also plays host to the new server (FilePlanet has a copy of the wrong version as of this writing). The new version of the server improves stability, addresses the server is full (when it isn't) bug, and more. The updated client now offers All-Seeing Eye support, a partial refresh rate fix, and more. Mirrors for the client patch has also been posted on FileShack (registration required) and
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New demo
Sep 5, 2002, 05:39
New demo Sep 5, 2002, 05:39
Sep 5, 2002, 05:39
I won't be getting the demo patch. I have purposefully been starving myself by not playing the MP demo anymore. I played it too many times already. lol. When the final game comes out it will be as fresh and new as when I first laid eyes on this puppy. Very happy about the ASE support.

This game IS very addictive and I can see it will be sitting on my HD for a long while. See ya on the servers...

Sep 5, 2002, 03:36
... Sep 5, 2002, 03:36
Sep 5, 2002, 03:36
patch is great.

although it did make me reinstall the demo, for some reason it wasn't 'fully' installed (wasn't showing up in add/remove) and the patch updater wasn't detecting my install...even though ive been playing 2+ hours a day since release.

anyway patch is great, a lot of the lag ive had is gone. although i do have some strange texture tearing problems and flashing textures in the distance (prob due to my shitty gf4 mx card).

Re: 4 bugs still in patch
Sep 5, 2002, 02:24
Re: 4 bugs still in patch Sep 5, 2002, 02:24
Sep 5, 2002, 02:24
Another issue with the carrier which I have never heard anyone bring up is the fact that the AA guns on it are Allie AA guns. If you want to see what Axis AA guns look like then capture a land spot as a Jap and destroy the Allie AA gun. When it respawns, it will be a different AA gun which is probably the Axis AA gun. I have never heard anyone else mention this. Anyone notice this? I hope I get a browny point for finding another one of the many "goof-ups" in the game so I can feel special. I hope DICE cought it before gold otherwise all the work in designing a seperate AA gun for Axis will be wasted.

Slowdown and Sound Settings
Sep 5, 2002, 02:22
Slowdown and Sound Settings Sep 5, 2002, 02:22
Sep 5, 2002, 02:22
If you're having framerate loss and slowdowns, try changing your sound settings.

Set Sound Detail to Low and enable sound Hardware Acceleration.

I think sound detail is on the bottom of the first part of the sound menu, and acceleration is on the top of the second part. Make sure and save your changes, also.

This helped greatly on my system(1.4 ghz Athlon, 512mb pc-133 ram, GeForce4 Ti 4200 128mb, Soundblaster Audigy). I used FRAPS to check framerate, and none of the other settings I tried changing had as much of an effect.

Re: 4 bugs still in patch
Sep 5, 2002, 02:04
Re: 4 bugs still in patch Sep 5, 2002, 02:04
Sep 5, 2002, 02:04
hehe yea, i love those fucked up spots on the carrier...

however on the last part. Air pilots should not be stripped. Instead ONLY engineers should be allowed to pilot any vehicle other than the jeeps (force the lamers to repair the carriers and stuff)

Now this shouldn't be forced on everyone, but instead a setting that could be set by admins. And it doesn't have to be engineers for everything cept jeep. I mean they could have a checklist for what an vehicles an engineer is able to drive and no other class. Click all the boxes, and TADA!!! only engies can drive/fly. Just a nice choice of options for a more serious admin setup.

my two bits

P.S. Patch fuxed something up for me. I can't change my video settings. Prior to the patch i was at 1024x768x32 with all options jacked up. Post patch i'm stuck at 800x600x32 with all options jacked up. I try and change the rez and it says "failed to save options"

Any ideas anyone?
p4 1.4
visiontek geforce 3(1st generation) latest drivers for Win98SE
Obviously win98se is the OS

thanks beforehand

P.S.S. not gonna get a new vid card just yet. I'll wait till it's actually required to get the full effect of a game (ie doom 3) and by then something new will be out and forced the 9700 and nv30 to be much cheaper

learned my lesson when i got my geforce3 - $400 that could've been spent on other things. But if u got the cash, more power to ya to get the latest and greatest, just make sure u get another chair near ur puter, cuz i'm gonna wanna check that shit out!


This comment was edited on Sep 5, 02:07.
4 bugs still in patch
Sep 5, 2002, 01:15
4 bugs still in patch Sep 5, 2002, 01:15
Sep 5, 2002, 01:15
Well the patch makes a world of difference..

Still 4 minor bugs in the game...

1. If you are a sniper and go to use a freestanding machine gun (like on the destroyer) you do not get a reticle... you have to zoom in with your scope then use the machine gun. No other gun or class has this problem though.

2. Laying a mine on a jeep or plane still sinks it like quicksand. In fact.. it seems worse now.

3. Parachuting out of a plane.. the engineer can drop mines while airborne and they arm fine when they hit the ground. This makes for littering an area with mines very quick and easy from a high altitude drop.

4. The carrier spots for the AA guns are still wrong. 3 and 5 are on the right side but show on opposites of the locator image. 2 and 4 are the same too...backwards.

Also people can STILL spawn camp kill on the carrier... air pilots should get their packs stripped of all gear except the pistol and knife. They can only get their pack back via a base depot box (friendly only).

My 2 cents.

Re: Patch is greatness
Sep 5, 2002, 01:01
Re: Patch is greatness Sep 5, 2002, 01:01
Sep 5, 2002, 01:01
Oh, and this is definitely the 'crack' of gaming

Having just played it for a quick 10 minute game a couple of hours, I can only agree... it's hugely addictive, and doesn't seem to be asshole-infested. Yet.

Edit: It looks like smiley are case-sensitive?

This comment was edited on Sep 5, 01:02.
Patch is greatness
Sep 5, 2002, 00:39
Patch is greatness Sep 5, 2002, 00:39
Sep 5, 2002, 00:39
You people crack me up with some of your comments.

Very nice, runs great on my system. The new browser is much better.

Oh, and this is definitely the 'crack' of gaming

~~ and then the lord said, "BOOYA!" ~~

~~ and then the lord said, "BOOYA!" ~~
Re: No subject
Sep 4, 2002, 21:09
Re: No subject Sep 4, 2002, 21:09
Sep 4, 2002, 21:09
I trust you read the part of the readme that tells you how to edit the config files to turn on the refresh fix? Just asking...

Re: Cool bits?
Sep 4, 2002, 21:05
Re: Cool bits? Sep 4, 2002, 21:05
Sep 4, 2002, 21:05
For Nvidia cards, I believe the file you want is located here:

If you download that, and say "yes" when prompted to add the information to the registry, you'll not only have access to vSync controls in D3D, you'll also have a fairly useful Refresh-rate overrider so you can set the refresh globally for all D3D games. In theory, this should negate the need for the BF1942 patch to allow refresh rate selection.

That registry patch only works under Win2k/XP and only with the latest "Detonator 40", v40.41 drivers. If you need any more help, don't hesitate to email me.



No subject
Sep 4, 2002, 21:02
No subject Sep 4, 2002, 21:02
Sep 4, 2002, 21:02
Fixed the 60Hz bug my ass. I just ran the patch and it still crashes on launch with anything over 60 (I'm on Win2K and they said it was fixed for it in the read me file).


Gameplay isn't very "realistic", it's still pretty much a twitch-fest, except it takes about an hour for a bullet to register a hit on another player. =\


Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds...

-Bhagavad Gita
Some people risk to employ me...
Some people live to destroy me...
...Either way, they die.
Re: ATi...
Sep 4, 2002, 20:56
Re: ATi... Sep 4, 2002, 20:56
Sep 4, 2002, 20:56
Whoops, apologies for dragging the thread off-topic!

I'm just downloading the demo and the patch from FileFront, and I'll be up and playing in the next 20-30 minutes... I'm ready to get my arse kicked, although it sounds like the gameplay might suit me - I'm better at "tactical" games than twitch-fests like Quake3 and UT (although I love both games as well).

Cool bits?
Sep 4, 2002, 20:55
Cool bits? Sep 4, 2002, 20:55
Sep 4, 2002, 20:55
I'm having a problem finding the vsinc option in my settings 3d tab, i need a program called cool bits, where do i get this?

Re: ATi...
Sep 4, 2002, 20:26
Re: ATi... Sep 4, 2002, 20:26
Sep 4, 2002, 20:26
Actually I'm really impressed by the graphical quality. No glitches and everything looks richer than it did with my GF4 Ti4600. This is my first ATi card so I can't comment from personal experience, but I heard they did have both awful and cheating drivers (drivers that decreased quality to increase speed if the program running was called quake3.exe). However, apart of BF1942 this card has been perfect (albeit for 14 hours) and since the 40.41 nVidia drivers, I know both biggies are happy to twist drivers for extra performance at the cost things benchmarks don't measure.

Back on topic, I can't wait for this game's full release (9 days!) and drivers which will run it.


War isn't about who's right, its about who's left.
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BF1942 MP Demo patch v1.1 and vidcards..
Sep 4, 2002, 20:24
BF1942 MP Demo patch v1.1 and vidcards.. Sep 4, 2002, 20:24
Sep 4, 2002, 20:24
Yeah, battlefield 1942 is an awesome game.

For all of you NVIDIA, ATI flamers out there, I have had the experience to enjoy bf1942 on both the geforce4 ti4600 and the radeon 9700 (my current card).

Geforce 4 ti4600:
Everything worked fine. Had some slowdowns mostly due to the lag even when you have a 40 ping on a server.

Radeon 9700:
Noticeably faster than the GF4 ti4600. Only problem is (which I'm sure is a driver issue) that when running the game and using the menus in game, you can't see the text, only the nice green/blue/red buttons. Same when in a game, you can't see the actual typed messages on the left. Everything else runs SMOOTH and FINE. No artifact/flashing glitches in textures (which did occasionally happen in the gf4). Overall, both cards are great. If you have money, you know the better choice.

If anyone knows an answer to my radeon problem, please contact me.

Sorry about the videocard stuff, but I also think BF1942 will be so great with all the vehicles AND a smoother gameplay. Maybe singleplay will be exciting too?

This comment was edited on Sep 4, 20:27.
Re: ATi...
Sep 4, 2002, 20:17
Re: ATi... Sep 4, 2002, 20:17
Sep 4, 2002, 20:17
Feel the same way.

Bought an ATI radeon 7500 a while ago but returned it for a geforce 4400 because of graphical glitches in almost every game.
Am much happier with my new card.

but, before this changes into a non-discussion about nvidai vs ati about the game:
can't wait for the new maps, subs, planes and everything when I can finally buy the game.

This comment was edited on Sep 4, 20:18.
"Porno laughs are not funny, ok?"
-David Brent-
Sep 4, 2002, 19:59
ATi... Sep 4, 2002, 19:59
Sep 4, 2002, 19:59
I've always had bad experiences with ATi drivers.

The latest drivers for my Radeon 7500 cause the computer to stop recognising my monitor. This had forced me to go back and use old drivers, which have alot of problems with current games (Background in Army Ops is glitched up, all games have massive slowdown when there's to much on screen)

Never, ever buying another ATi product again.

I love the power glove. It's so bad.
Re: Woohoo!
Sep 4, 2002, 19:58
Re: Woohoo! Sep 4, 2002, 19:58
Sep 4, 2002, 19:58
WTF!?!?! Where are more maps!! Don't they realize they have created a game that is much like crack? I need more levels or I'm gonna go crazy!

Re: Woohoo!
Sep 4, 2002, 19:57
Re: Woohoo! Sep 4, 2002, 19:57
Sep 4, 2002, 19:57
Bloody hell, so they do - and only £250... I remember paying £386 for my GeForce2 Ultra (yes, I'm insane ;))

Any report on the quality of it so far? Other than the BF1942 issue, how's it look and play? I'm thinking about an upgrade in the next few weeks, as I'm still using my GF2, and it's beginning to really show its age...

By all means email me if you fancy an in-depth discussion of it - I'm seriously curious!

Re: Woohoo!
Sep 4, 2002, 19:50
Re: Woohoo! Sep 4, 2002, 19:50
Sep 4, 2002, 19:50
It was released in the UK yesterday, at least were selling them.


War isn't about who's right, its about who's left.
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