hehe yea, i love those fucked up spots on the carrier...
however on the last part. Air pilots should not be stripped. Instead ONLY engineers should be allowed to pilot any vehicle other than the jeeps (force the lamers to repair the carriers and stuff)
Now this shouldn't be forced on everyone, but instead a setting that could be set by admins. And it doesn't have to be engineers for everything cept jeep. I mean they could have a checklist for what an vehicles an engineer is able to drive and no other class. Click all the boxes, and TADA!!! only engies can drive/fly. Just a nice choice of options for a more serious admin setup.
my two bits
P.S. Patch fuxed something up for me. I can't change my video settings. Prior to the patch i was at 1024x768x32 with all options jacked up. Post patch i'm stuck at 800x600x32 with all options jacked up. I try and change the rez and it says "failed to save options"
Any ideas anyone?
p4 1.4
visiontek geforce 3(1st generation) latest drivers for Win98SE
Obviously win98se is the OS
thanks beforehand
P.S.S. not gonna get a new vid card just yet. I'll wait till it's actually required to get the full effect of a game (ie doom 3) and by then something new will be out and forced the 9700 and nv30 to be much cheaper
learned my lesson when i got my geforce3 - $400 that could've been spent on other things. But if u got the cash, more power to ya to get the latest and greatest, just make sure u get another chair near ur puter, cuz i'm gonna wanna check that shit out!
This comment was edited on Sep 5, 02:07.