Personally, I couldn't care less about a "pirated" demo, or pre-alpha leak, or whatever. I've been gaming for a long time, and have been a fan of the FPS genre since Id came out with Wolfenstein3D. If you have downloaded an unauthorized "pre-alpha" "demo", and are making decisions about the game in question based on playing an unauthorized "demo", then you are shortchanging yourself really. Do yourself a favor and wait for the authorized demo. Have faith that the creators of the game (especially a widely popular game like the UT franchise) will provide us with a suitable demo to give us a taste of what the real thing will be like. Then make your decision as to whether you want to buy the full version or not. As for camping, its been a hot debate since the beginning of this type of gaming. Personally, I hate being wasted by a camping sniper in any game. But, it is a viable, and established strategy of FPS gaming. Live with it. There are ways to hunt down and eliminate the camper, or ban them if you are running your own gaming server. As I refuse to pay $50 smackers a month for high-speed access (with little or no service to go along with it) all of my online gaming experience these days is in privately hosted lan parties. Some of the guys who play are very good at sniping and camping. We live with it, or give him a ton of crap about it, if it gets too bad. Or we organize our team strategy to take care of it. But, there is no point in bitching about in a forum like this. It had been debated over and over again. People are going to camp/snipe....for whatever reasons. Since the game allows for with it, and deal with it. Nuff said.
Can't wait for UT2003 to hit the shelves! Playing SOFII and Gore right now...SOFII is very good (but not as good as hyped imho) and Gore, well its DOOM and SS, with bad sound. But entertaining, until UT2k3 that is!