On the UT2003 Demo Leak

A post called A leaked early test version of UT2003 on the Infogrames Forums (thanks Shacknews) by Epic's Mark Rein offers some thoughts on a leaked version of the upcoming UT2003 Demo that has been making its way around the Internet. The post explains the issues Infogrames has to deal with when it comes to news like this, and goes on to address some issues about the demo that he's been hearing, including whether the actual release of this demo should be considered "overdue," why they are not just releasing the current version since it's already been leaked, and why they have not been forthcoming with more information.
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Re: Oy!
Jun 12, 2002, 10:45
Re: Oy! Jun 12, 2002, 10:45
Jun 12, 2002, 10:45
Sites that post details on warezed files are just as much part of the warez scene as the ones that have the downloads.
So now you're a Judge? Your logic is absurb. There's a world of difference between an "illegal act" and TELLING someone about it.
I wouldnt say a world of difference, since if I post a full game for download, youre still the one who has to commit the actual crime by downloading it, So posting warez and posting links to warez is basically all the same, I'm not a judge so i wont go in on the LEGAL issue, the Moral issue is still a problem, this quote doesnt say anything about what the law is or isn't:

Sites that post details on warezed files are just as much part of the warez scene as the ones that have the downloads.

"And so that me'lord is how we know the earth to be banana-shaped"
This comment was edited on Jun 12, 10:52.
No subject
Jun 12, 2002, 10:41
No subject Jun 12, 2002, 10:41
Jun 12, 2002, 10:41
Anybody who looks at this leaked beta and doesn't realize how old it is is just stupid. I have seen it running on a mates big PC and you can tell almost instantly that it's a very much WIP version.

It would have been good if Mark Rein had mentioned in his post just what the latest build revision is which I think would give people a better idea how old the leaked one is.

Personally.. although it's very very rough, I don't think this will hurt UT2K3 at all. This is just going to make some people all the more anxious to get the real deal demo.

/me wonders if DE will include a demo editor in the UT2K3 demo =)

Re: No subject
Jun 12, 2002, 09:54
Re: No subject Jun 12, 2002, 09:54
Jun 12, 2002, 09:54
I think that the boards are better with anonymous posters.

I must agree with this. I've been tempted a couple of times to 'hit the switch' but resisted.

It seems that there is an influx of newly registered posters lately. That's great. When I see a posters name next to a comment I know what their opinions tend to be. The registered posters that tend towards the juvenille I blow over.

And Ray, a 2 YO motherboard? For shame!


-- Standing above the crowd,
He had a voice that was strong and loud.
We'll miss him.
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Jun 12, 2002, 09:42
Crap... Jun 12, 2002, 09:42
Jun 12, 2002, 09:42
Sure thing, but it is not a warez site; it doesn't "have" the file.

I didn't mean to be controversial.... I just thought some people would want it. Just because they don't actually have the files online doesn't mean that they aren't contributing to warez, but it just makes it harder for them to be shutdown for 'illegal' activities, and the makers of the P2P program can just deny responsibility. It just shows that they are getting more intelligent with their distribution of warez. It doesn't make much difference anyway, eDonkey is impossible to get files with... it takes days and saps all your bandwidth. I hate it when I don't think... I'll just say sorry now because anything else I'll say will be just taken in the wrong way.

That is under serious consideration for a while already, though so far mostly because of the excessive profanity and general negativity that seems to go around this board lately. However, that atmosphere is not brought about only by anonymous users, registered ones are guilty of contributing to it as well. For that reason, we haven't decided yet whether disabling anon posting will make a worthwhile difference.

Yeah, but it took me a while to register with Bluesnews before posting because for some reason the registration process seemed a bit too much hastle... I think anonymous posters are a good thing as they can add a lot and sites that disabled anonymous posting often become crap [Neowin is a prime example - it has changed in atmosphere and though not 'worse' the community is now so different and in my opinion dull].

PS - Bluesnews is an AMAZING site, and Blue is so funny with his daily stories.


I don't get why they don't fingerprint all the copies that they distribute to media, etc. so that they can trace a leak to the source.

I wonder that too... why don't they just include a unique number that it required for the demo to run and then just keep track of who has each number, and prosecute anyone who leaks it.
This comment was edited on Jun 12, 09:43.
Jun 12, 2002, 09:26
Usenet Jun 12, 2002, 09:26
Jun 12, 2002, 09:26
The test was posted on Usenet yesterday. Any ISP that carries binary groups, and pretty much all commercial news servers are "mirroring" it right now.

Epic can't do anything to retract it now. They should just make it clear that it's an incomplete test that shouldn't be used to measure the final game. The heavy hints about legal action and "suppressing conversations" makes them look a) like corporate thought police and b) pathetic.

I don't get why they don't fingerprint all the copies that they distribute to media, etc. so that they can trace a leak to the source.

Re: No subject
Jun 12, 2002, 09:24
Re: No subject Jun 12, 2002, 09:24
Jun 12, 2002, 09:24
For whatever it is worth, I think that the boards are better with anonymous posters. Yeah, it makes it easier for the TrOEllz!11111 to come out and play, but forcing registration would limit too many opinions. Besides, it is not like the registered users are significantly better.

It would be nice to see some type of moderation or swearing filter, but it would likely take too much work and/or effort. Things are OK as they are, though.

Of course, it does often seem that it is not whether or not we hate a news item/game, but *how* much we hate it.

Having just watched Black Hawk Down and Monster's Ball,

GIVE ME PAYPAL OR GIVE ME DEATH! Er...or just polo shirts.
Everything is awesome!!!
I love you, mom.
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Jun 12, 2002, 09:07
... Jun 12, 2002, 09:07
Jun 12, 2002, 09:07
We are the Borgs, prepare to be assimilated !

Resistance is futile...
Anon Posts
Jun 12, 2002, 08:42
Anon Posts Jun 12, 2002, 08:42
Jun 12, 2002, 08:42
If you don't like what's on the T.V. you turn it off, change the channel, etc. right? Take a deep breath, relax and apply a little of that logic here.

-Rich Schipper
"Habitual Unidentified Poster"
Re: No subject
Jun 12, 2002, 07:02
Re: No subject Jun 12, 2002, 07:02
Jun 12, 2002, 07:02
"Frans, for what its worth both VE and Shack did away with anons and while theres still acouple of idiots to sometimes ruin the festivities it did a LOT to cut down on the stupidity."

There's just as many gits on VE now as there were before. The only difference is that now we can remember them by their "name" as opposed to their IP.
Re: An easy solution to this
Jun 12, 2002, 05:26
Re: An easy solution to this Jun 12, 2002, 05:26
Jun 12, 2002, 05:26
Do you have any idea what is required to release a title? Do you think every hardware vendor, software manufacturer and every other 3rd party profiler has the time, resources and commitment to send teams to every single development hourse, or publisher to do compatibility testing for each game release? Conversely, do you think these developers, publishers and especially the smaller companies have the resources to 'put up' these people while it takes the time to work on the title? No. Unfortunately, sending out alphas to these companies is a reality that has to be dealt with. Gone are the days of shareware demos and games that ran on any system. Further, UT2003 is one of a handful of games that's also pushing system and hardware limits. These things need to be tested as much as possible.

You want these games to play on YOUR system of course... well unfortunately in PC development, if you want a large percentage of the population to play the game, publishers and developers are forced into relationships with IHV's and other companies. Of course there are legal agreements in place, but as things go, there's only so much control that can be exerted.

Very rarely can any company or publisher do this solely on their own terms, there are so many players involved when it comes to these things. Even then, it is usually a matter of delaying the inevitable. I don't think anyone that has put probably endless hours into a game, or any of their work enjoys having to relinquish control over it; but in the end for the final product, these things need to happen.

Is there more that can be done to prevent this from happening? Sure, but that too takes time and $$$. I think over the next few years, leaks like this will be less common; however I really doubt they'll be eradicated outright. There's just too many hands in the pie!

No subject
Jun 12, 2002, 05:07
No subject Jun 12, 2002, 05:07
Jun 12, 2002, 05:07
Frans, for what its worth both VE and Shack did away with anons and while theres still acouple of idiots to sometimes ruin the festivities it did a LOT to cut down on the stupidity.

Its well worth looking into IMO


"Both the “left” and the “right” pretend they have the answer, but they are mere flippers on the same thalidomide baby, and the truth is that neither side has a clue."

- Jim Goad
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Re: Oy!
Jun 12, 2002, 02:51
Re: Oy! Jun 12, 2002, 02:51
Jun 12, 2002, 02:51
"Sites that post details on warezed files are just as much part of the warez scene as the ones that have the downloads.

-- Frans"

I think you misunderstand how most file sharing programs work. They share files. Period. That is their scope, and they leave what to share up to users. It is not the fault of a company, say, an ISP that a user is downloading illegal software over their lines nor is it the fault of a software maker who sells FTP software that their program may be used to download any type of file, illegal or legal.

Re: Oy!
Jun 12, 2002, 02:41
Re: Oy! Jun 12, 2002, 02:41
Jun 12, 2002, 02:41
#34, Actually.. no. If you gave out detailed instructions on how to build a nuclear weapon, then you would be sitting in jail courtesy of either the NSA or the FBI.

Remember, they don't want this in the hands of terrorists?

This comment was edited on Jun 12, 02:47.
No subject
Jun 12, 2002, 01:46
No subject Jun 12, 2002, 01:46
Jun 12, 2002, 01:46
"Sites that post details on warezed files are just as much part of the warez scene as the ones that have the downloads."

www.edonkey2000.com doesn't post any links or anything about warez at all -- all it does is offer a simple program that has nothing to do with warez

yet you comment it out
Re: No subject
Jun 12, 2002, 01:01
Re: No subject Jun 12, 2002, 01:01
Jun 12, 2002, 01:01
UT2k3 leaked beta demo sucks.
It's totally generic.
Re: No subject
Jun 12, 2002, 00:09
Re: No subject Jun 12, 2002, 00:09
Jun 12, 2002, 00:09
After having played ut for its entire existance and having played quake1 through 3, i can say, yes, it does play EXTREMELY, similar to quake3 in that the weapons are MUCH more balanced, even at this early alpha stage test. THis is a good thing because the balance to the weapons in quake3 is much better than in ut. However, even at this stage it looks far superior to anything the quake3 engine can produce, anyone who says different is kidding themselves. And this is with the absence of the graphics for the player models. By the way, it runs alot smoother than ut, and it looks like its gonna be a blast.
No subject
Jun 11, 2002, 23:59
No subject Jun 11, 2002, 23:59
Jun 11, 2002, 23:59
Sif anyone on Blues isn't a troll! lol!
Re: Oy!
Jun 11, 2002, 23:55
Re: Oy! Jun 11, 2002, 23:55
Jun 11, 2002, 23:55
No, the same does not go here. Blues News holds every right to administer what they deem appropriate to post. Some boards do not allow bad language. Others allow anything. You have the freedom to say what you want, but it is not your property once you post here. The reason for this is because Blues is a very respectable gaming site that caters to you and I alike - they are providing you with a service and the least you can do is abide by what they ask - If you don't then it will get censored, its that simple. And its not an infringement on you being a U.S. citizen or anything like that - its being mature.

I went today to check out some of the top 5 discussion threads, hoping I could get into an intellectual conversation about *GASP* GAMES and the amazing technology they exhibit, but I should have known better - it was a Blues News discussion afterall - plagued with immature posters who abuse a message board. I have learned not to post here much, because even if I post something on topic, it quickly goes to a Q3 vs UT flame war or something very similar and immature. Replying to the childish posts here just eggs them on more. Maybe I should just join a techie site or something to talk games with real adults but man, I wish I could at least talk about GAMES with my favorite game site. I'd just like to say Frans, Blue, thanks for the hard work you do and putting up with the immaturity that plagues your boards. At least it is optional to look at the comments about an article; its usually not even worth looking at those threads.

An easy solution to this
Jun 11, 2002, 23:40
An easy solution to this Jun 11, 2002, 23:40
Jun 11, 2002, 23:40
would have been to avoid leaking the demo in the first place.

For a bunch of folks familiar with computers you'd think they might be able to imagine how these things leak, and avoid stiking UT2k3 on a ton of computers they do not control until they want it to go out.

Ahh well, next time they'll release some screenshots and leave it at that.
Re: Oy!
Jun 11, 2002, 23:34
Re: Oy! Jun 11, 2002, 23:34
Jun 11, 2002, 23:34
Sites that post details on warezed files are just as much part of the warez scene as the ones that have the downloads.

So now you're a Judge? Your logic is absurb. There's a world of difference between an "illegal act" and TELLING someone about it.

  • I can't sell a nuclear bomb, but I can tell you how to build one.
  • I can't sell drugs, but I could tell you where to get them or how to make them yourself.
  • I can't poison the city water supply, but can tell you where the resevoir is.
  • I can't murder you, but I can write a book detailing how to commit the perfect crime.
  • I can't break and enter into your house, but I can detail how to pick locks

The same goes here!

I'm not supposed to infringe on copyright, but I can detail how you could go about it.

(btw, Are you even a U.S. citizen? You should know this)
173 Replies. 9 pages. Viewing page 7.
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