#13, I just wanted to agree with you on the lazy parenting part, I get somewhat bothered every time a parent cant blame themselves and instead point to either a video game console, cartoons, tv, PC game, etc...
I was once an EQ junkie myself, played for over a year and i don't doubt the 20+ hrs average play time per week stat, as I'm sure I've put in my fair share. When it gets to the point where I find myself actually altering my attitude towards real life people and jobs, sleep, etc one would think that you could actually control yourself and either slow down or stop completely what you're doing that is making you slowly degrade from decent kid to uber-geek.
I think the problem lies in the arms of the parent(s), sure he turned into an 'adult', he should make his own decisions, but when this kid is in obvious need of professional help, with addictions and possibly some kind of disorder or disease, he shouldnt be out of the parents sight until they know full well he's ready to be on his own.
As for the parent suing Sony Entertainment: thats a crock, you probably bought the computer that was capable of playing EverCrack in the first place, why dont you sue yourself? If you knew your son was addicted to that game more than he should have been, or you've noticed a downward spiral in his general enthusiasm for life, maybe you should oh i dunno, check up on him? just a thought.
I play first person shooters day in and day out, blood, guts, gore, and everything. In no way does this make me actually want to go out, use a Desert Eagle at work and yell "Terrorists win!"
Media: quit using this game and any other just because they happen to take themselves out and they happen to be playing it at the current time, take a look at exactly how many people play online games, first person shooters, MMORPG'S, and one case out of a million everyone makes a huge deal about it.
Just my 2 cents, take it for what you want