Dungeon Siege Round-up

Lock up your farm girls, here is another collection of links for Dungeon Siege, the 3D role-playing game that is nearing completion at Gas Powered Games. Dungeon Siege: The Utraean Peninsula Unveiled on GameSpy.com is a look at the game's separate multiplayer world, describing its environments, campaign premise, some of the NPCs and artifacts, and then some, naturally illustrated with a quiver full of screenshots. Also available is a new 4.4 MB movie from FilePlanet, sporting a bit over a minute of gameplay footage from the new world in Windows Media Player format. Further, there is a brief preview based on the ubiquitous press build on Khabal Gaming, while other sites recently just let the capture key run rampant on it, as there are 26 new screenshots on Nextgame.it, 39 on BonusWeb, a dozen on LoadedInc, and ten on Ferrago.co.uk.
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Re: Mirror
Mar 19, 2002, 09:00
Re: Mirror Mar 19, 2002, 09:00
Mar 19, 2002, 09:00
"To cut off your fingers despite your toes,
leaves you one less foot closer to getting a hold of yourself..." -Blackthorn

hahaha we need to write a book

Re: Mirror
Mar 18, 2002, 22:32
Re: Mirror Mar 18, 2002, 22:32
Mar 18, 2002, 22:32
"An eye for an eye would make the world blind" -Gandhi

Dude! I said that?! Cool! I must be smart.

You cannot make anything fool-proof. The fools are too inventive

GW: Tr Gandhi (Ra), Shiva Sung (Mo), Mangal Pandey (Ne), Rana Pratap Singh (Wa), Boddhi Satwa (Ri), Bhagat Singh (De), Bahadur Shastri (Pa)
Avatar 11944
Re: This game will rock
Mar 18, 2002, 16:58
Re: This game will rock Mar 18, 2002, 16:58
Mar 18, 2002, 16:58
#1 Registering for Fileplanet takes 2 mins and it isn't all that bad... and it is free! =)

#2 The movie rocks... DS rocks!

#3 The Ultraen Peninsula is huge... the beta is so wicked.. everyone will love it... it plays better than Diablo and you have full 3d seamless worlds... it truely is amazing! Once you see a forest ... you will toss that Blizzard vaporware out the door and feel the power of the Siege!

#4 Just think... you too can make your own maps and worlds with the SiegeEditor... can you do that with *OTHER* similar games like DS? Nada...

#5 The 3rd world being created will be majorly dungeon crawls with vast design and deeper reaches... expect alot coming from this engine in the next 2 years!

#6 When you walk amongst the Crystal Caverns and realize that you are surrounded by little evil crystal shards that you thought were not alive... muhahahahah...

#7 Resourceful mod developers can take this engine further than any action RPG has gone before... it is only a matter of time!

#8 Eight is enough =)

Re: This game will rock
Mar 18, 2002, 16:40
Re: This game will rock Mar 18, 2002, 16:40
Mar 18, 2002, 16:40
What's even cooler is that there's 3 mulitplayer games in the works.

In the latest PC Gamer, they have a gigantic interview with Chris Taylor. I guess back when they were pushing for the Holday 2001 release date, they didn't know if they were going to finish the multiplayer game on time, so they contracted another company to make it. After they let the release date slip, GPG decided it would make those 2 multiplayer worlds.

But while GPG churns away on the 2 worlds, the other company is still making theirs. Apparently it's going to be released on the PC Gamer CD a few months after DS ships, and it's going to be about 70% dungeons. Pretty sweet, eh? Pick up a copy of PC Gamer, get another DS multiplayer world.
Re: Mirror
Mar 18, 2002, 16:28
Re: Mirror Mar 18, 2002, 16:28
Mar 18, 2002, 16:28
I'd recommend going through the pain of registering on Fileplanet, as the DS gameplay movie is pretty sweet.

And everything else is on FP now, so it doesn't hurt to be registered.

Mar 18, 2002, 14:18
Mirror Mar 18, 2002, 14:18
Mar 18, 2002, 14:18
Anyone have a mirror for the movie. I just can't bring myself to register on crapplanet.


--"An eye for an eye would make the world blind" -Gandhi
--"A tooth for a tooth would be great for Jello." -NMG

Not Much Good
Re: This game will rock
Mar 18, 2002, 14:11
Re: This game will rock Mar 18, 2002, 14:11
Mar 18, 2002, 14:11

Now if they can just release it.

I was expecting a gold announcemnet last week.. but Im betting another delay is in the works.

My guess Release for DS will be aound August.
This game will rock
Mar 18, 2002, 12:40
This game will rock Mar 18, 2002, 12:40
Mar 18, 2002, 12:40
This game will rock.

Talk about gameplay value - single player world, two multiplayer worlds, quality mods in the works, oh my!

This game will rock.

You cannot make anything fool-proof. The fools are too inventive

GW: Tr Gandhi (Ra), Shiva Sung (Mo), Mangal Pandey (Ne), Rana Pratap Singh (Wa), Boddhi Satwa (Ri), Bhagat Singh (De), Bahadur Shastri (Pa)
Avatar 11944
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