The dance thing yesterday wasn't as torturous as I imagined. I guess it would have been hard to live up to my dread--that's part of the benefit of fearing the worst. I had completely forgotten the a fail-safe bit of entertainment one can always count on from these things... I have one word for you: Danskin.
Finally, today is Saint Patrick's Day, one of those annual celebrations that's often accompanied by the raising of a glass or two -- please be careful out there on the roads, as this always increases the chances of tragedy (I saw some of our fine New York State Troopers doing random intoxication tests on a nearby route last night to deter this). But of course, if you are celebrating, have a great time. Erin Go Bragh! (Whatever that means.)
Play Time: FLOW.
Flash required. Thanks Sharon.
Link of the Day: LDN DOOM Miniatures.
I have some of these, and now this has me thinking about trying to paint them
(though I would make the demons pink).