Die Another Day
is the press release announcing the title of the twentieth (more or less) James Bond adventure.
If my off the top of my head estimate is correct, there were only 20 total Bond
tales in Ian Fleming's books, between 12 novels and 8 short stories, though they
had already given up on using Fleming's remaining titles and have been making up
their own in a similar vein. They have left a pretty usable short story title in
the bullpen called
Quantum of Solace, though I guess this is not as true
to the Fleming formula as, say,
Goldeneye. Anyway, you can count on me
being there as I have seen every single Bond movie in the theaters, even though
the series has never regained the flair it had during the Sean Connery days. It
doesn't stop me from hoping though... after all, never say never again. ;)
Play Time: Figure Skating Results Calculator.
Thanks Dufusyte.
Story of the Day: Britney's Wee Bit Of Bother.
Thanks EvilToast. And I always wonder where people come up with the rotten
veggies they throw in movies and such!
Image of the Day: Where are those haunting eyes now?
Thanks Firewallfortress.com.
Wild Science: US could beam neutrinos to Japan.
Thanks [MP] Wolverine [MP].