
LucasArts Selects Planet Moon Studios to Develop Unique Humorous Action Game for Next Generation Consoles. Thanks PlanetMoon Central. HomeLan Fed's Turok Evolution Interview discusses the upcoming Dinosaur extermination game, even leaving the door open for the possibility of the release of a PC version. There are new Deus Ex: The Conspiracy Screenshots on Gaming Age showing off the upcoming PS2 DX game. Videogame Voodoo Brewing as Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. Prepares to Unleash 'Shadow Man 2econd Coming' for PlayStation2 Computer Entertainment System is the press release confirming the return of the shadowy comic book hero to gaming. And finally, LucasArts sends word that Star Wars Racer Revenge has gone gold and this PS2 racer "will be in stores mid-February."

Console Reviews: Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (PS2) on Outer-Edge.

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Future of PC Gaming
Jan 31, 2002, 10:02
Future of PC Gaming Jan 31, 2002, 10:02
Jan 31, 2002, 10:02
I'm a long time gamer who's begun to put together proposals for a master's thesis and one of the topics I'm considering is a study of the delivery methods of electronic entertainment content.

I read Blues News daily and can't think of a more knowledgable bunch of folks to pose a few questions to as a way of focusing my research topic. So -- here goes:

Do you think that PC gaming will exist in 5 years? For that matter will the home PC exist then or will we all have some variation of the X-Box that we'll use to check our e-mail, surf the web and pay bills on? Does playing a game on the PC offer any added benefits that can't be fullfilled by a console experience?

Any thoughts you could offer would be greatly appreciated
Re: Future of PC Gaming
Jan 31, 2002, 10:18
Re: Future of PC Gaming Jan 31, 2002, 10:18
Jan 31, 2002, 10:18
I predict that it will all come down to a massless energy sphere. It will float on top of your plasma tv, and it will do everything, even provide energy. Email wouldn't be needed, however, since it will have the ability to project a hologram on the living room floor.
Re: Future of PC Gaming
Jan 31, 2002, 10:33
Re: Future of PC Gaming Jan 31, 2002, 10:33
Jan 31, 2002, 10:33
Nah, in 5-10 years you'll plug your PC directly into the back of your skull, eliminating all those extra expensive peripherals like sound cards and graphics chips. It'll give a whole new meaning to "virtual reality", and change the face of PC gaming (not to mention cyber-pr0n) as we know it.

Re: Future of PC Gaming
Jan 31, 2002, 13:33
Re: Future of PC Gaming Jan 31, 2002, 13:33
Jan 31, 2002, 13:33
Thanks so much - jacking into energy spheres - check! Can't wait to tell my professors. Best. Masters Thesis. Ever.

You've been a huge help - really
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