Here in Columbus, Ohio (home of the original Wendy's restaurant and the headquarters of Wendy's International, Inc.), the news of Dave's death has made the entire city a sadder place. He did so many things for so many charities and other organizations in this community. Not just the adoption work either. He has worked with everything from blood drives to purchasing lands for campgrounds for mentally handicapped children. He was not a bad person by any stretch of the imagination. His marriage of 47 (I may have this number wrong...couldn't find it after hearing it yesterday on the news) years with 5 children and 14 grandchildren is a testament to that.
I worked at the headquarters doing simple computer stuff for about 3 months a few years ago (never got to meet Dave, sadly, but I did get to install a new hard drive in his computer while he was away), and several of my co-workers were gay. So, if we add this information into your claims, you'd say "Dave loves orphans, but hates gays, but hires gays." Hrmmm. Contradiction? I think so.
If it helps, I also never saw Pat Robertson at the headquarters, so take that however you will