Out of the Blue

In honor of the late Dave Thomas I took my appetite to a drive-through Wendy's last night. It's not often that I manage to swing by Wendy's, as they suffer from fewer locations than their competition. In spite of this, it has always qualified as my favorite of the fast food joints, but even then I found myself truly shocked at the quality of my dinner, which was tasty and shockingly fresh. I don't know if they were putting extra effort in after the death of their founder, if I had freakishly good timing, or if this location was some sort of burger heaven (I almost said nirvana, but that's inappropriate isn't it?), but when is the last time you had a fast-food burger that you had to be careful to keep from burning your mouth? My own answer is easy enough -- last night was the first time ever (even counting that McDLT hot side hot/cool side cool dealie).

Story of the Day: Congressman Strip Searched. Thanks Jamie Fullerton.
Wild Science: First image of extrasolar "planet" captured. Thanks [MP] Wolverine [MP].
Media of the Day: Futurama Framegrabs Anthology of Interest 2. With shots of the portion of this week's episode where life was more like video games. Thanks Ant.
Bonus Media: Bill Gates dressed as Harry Potter. Thanks Russell Raymond. I find this as disturbing as anything we've ever posted.

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Re: The real Dave Thomas
Jan 9, 2002, 13:12
Re: The real Dave Thomas Jan 9, 2002, 13:12
Jan 9, 2002, 13:12
And they put dead animals in the food! Oh no! Some people just have different ideas of morality than others...
The real Dave Thomas
Jan 9, 2002, 12:27
The real Dave Thomas Jan 9, 2002, 12:27
Jan 9, 2002, 12:27



Because Wendy's doesn't serve gays, and if they do, they want you to know that they don't support it. So Dave loves orphans, but hates gays. Oh, and he's a Pat Robertson supporter too. So go figure, eh?
The Futurama...
Jan 9, 2002, 12:01
The Futurama... Jan 9, 2002, 12:01
Jan 9, 2002, 12:01
I heard that video game episode featured the band Rush in it... he had an 'all Rush mix tape' that he used to help fight off the baddies and even their hit 'Tom Sawyer' was heard during the episode... woot!
let's pour out a 16-oz chili.....
Jan 9, 2002, 11:41
let's pour out a 16-oz chili..... Jan 9, 2002, 11:41
Jan 9, 2002, 11:41
a friend sent me this:

Everybody, let's pour out a 16-oz chili for that comfort-food-cooking, 99-cent-value-menu-serving, multiple-bypass-receiving motherf'er. Peace, sweet Dave. You walk with Allah now.
Jan 9, 2002, 11:22
Dave Jan 9, 2002, 11:22
Jan 9, 2002, 11:22
We too went to Wendy's last night. We are love making late night trips there when supper was going to be late or just didnt feel up too cooking. A buck for the juinor bacon cheeseburger just cant be beat. I was saddened to hear of his death. I have heard his life story before and was always so impressed with it and again as I watch a small tribute to this man. His work out side of Wendy's is what really made me so impressed and there are alot of children and people who have come though the adoption sence that probably owe alot to him. Thanks Dave for all you have done for the children.
$.99 Junior Bacon Cheese Burger
Jan 9, 2002, 11:04
$.99 Junior Bacon Cheese Burger Jan 9, 2002, 11:04
Jan 9, 2002, 11:04
Hmmm. . . . I don't think I'll ever enjoy my favorite Wendy's treat again without thinking of dear departed Dave. Latest news says he passed away from liver cancer, which is a scary thing, but at least it doesn't appear to have been caused by anything off the value menu.

R.I.P. Dave
Jan 9, 2002, 10:43
Wendy's Jan 9, 2002, 10:43
Jan 9, 2002, 10:43
It seems like everyone went to Wendy's yesterday. The whole gang from where I work went and paid our respects. They have this huge poster on the wall with Dave holding a Classic Double... It was nothing special and has been there since the day the store opened, but we all saluted him solemnly with our hot, juicy burgers, nonetheless. It was actually quite touching in a very geniune, non-jokingly-though-we-tried-to-make-it-seem-like-it-was kinda way. When I was ordering my Junior Cheesburger Deluxe, small chili with cheese and onions, and Biggie Mt. Dew, I couldn't think of anything to say that wouldn't be in some way insensitive, so the cashier and I simply went about business as usual in a somewhat awkward and stoic sort of way (I actually wondered if she had heard).

Jan 9, 2002, 10:38
Indeed Jan 9, 2002, 10:38
Jan 9, 2002, 10:38
Indeed, the most obvious reason for Wendy's success is that it cares about quality, at least to the amount a 'fast food joint' could. I hope it stays that way, because it's the only FF place I'm comfortable eating at.
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