Out of the Blue

In honor of the late Dave Thomas I took my appetite to a drive-through Wendy's last night. It's not often that I manage to swing by Wendy's, as they suffer from fewer locations than their competition. In spite of this, it has always qualified as my favorite of the fast food joints, but even then I found myself truly shocked at the quality of my dinner, which was tasty and shockingly fresh. I don't know if they were putting extra effort in after the death of their founder, if I had freakishly good timing, or if this location was some sort of burger heaven (I almost said nirvana, but that's inappropriate isn't it?), but when is the last time you had a fast-food burger that you had to be careful to keep from burning your mouth? My own answer is easy enough -- last night was the first time ever (even counting that McDLT hot side hot/cool side cool dealie).

Story of the Day: Congressman Strip Searched. Thanks Jamie Fullerton.
Wild Science: First image of extrasolar "planet" captured. Thanks [MP] Wolverine [MP].
Media of the Day: Futurama Framegrabs Anthology of Interest 2. With shots of the portion of this week's episode where life was more like video games. Thanks Ant.
Bonus Media: Bill Gates dressed as Harry Potter. Thanks Russell Raymond. I find this as disturbing as anything we've ever posted.

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Re: Dave Thomas Cartoon?
Jan 16, 2002, 11:49
Re: Dave Thomas Cartoon? Jan 16, 2002, 11:49
Jan 16, 2002, 11:49
I read that they don't have any intention of animating Dave. Thank goodness. The animated Colonel Sanders really pisses me off.


This comment was edited on Jan 16, 11:50.
Re: what's the big deal?
Jan 15, 2002, 18:13
Re: what's the big deal? Jan 15, 2002, 18:13
Jan 15, 2002, 18:13
from #44
It's similar to how ancient civilizations chained retarded children to the hillside and had the wolves eat them.

Re: The real Dave Thomas
Jan 15, 2002, 01:20
Re: The real Dave Thomas Jan 15, 2002, 01:20
Jan 15, 2002, 01:20
On the Dave Thomas is homophobic topic, only one thing: Dave Thomas had no control over Wendy's anymore. He retired from the company in the early-mid 80's, and was hired back in the early 90's purely to do TV commercials. His role was purely executive in nature. Dave Thomas had zero control over Wendy's policy the last 10-15 years.
I love food
Jan 14, 2002, 22:27
I love food Jan 14, 2002, 22:27
Jan 14, 2002, 22:27
I am a food lover. I consider myself a fast-food conisseur (sp?). Wendey's is definitely at the top of the food chain (mwahaahaaaaaaaa) when it comes to fast-food. Nothing quite like a Spicy Chicken Sandwich combo, Biggie sized, with Chili-cheese Nachos and a Bacon Cheeseburger. A hearty, and heart-stopping meal, to be sure.
Re: what's the big deal?
Jan 14, 2002, 04:41
Re: what's the big deal? Jan 14, 2002, 04:41
Jan 14, 2002, 04:41
It's similar to how ancient civilizations chained retarded children to the hillside and had the wolves eat them.
what's the big deal?
Jan 14, 2002, 03:57
what's the big deal? Jan 14, 2002, 03:57
Jan 14, 2002, 03:57
First off, I eat and enjoy meat.
But I am really confused about all these anti-vegetarian posts I'm seeing here... I mean, none of the vegetarians posting have said anything about trying to stop us from eating meat. They have said that they choose not to eat it and if that's their decision for health reasons, moral reasons or simply taste reasons, so be it. Why are you all up in arms against them? It's not hurting us at all!
Come to think of it, I feel the same way about homosexuality: If guys wanna do guys or gals wanna do gals, I don't care at all. As long as my choice is left to me, it's all cool.
Re: Dave Thomas Cartoon?
Jan 14, 2002, 01:22
Re: Dave Thomas Cartoon? Jan 14, 2002, 01:22
Jan 14, 2002, 01:22
And I quote: "The colonel isn't dead... remember the Episode One commercials that had the Pizza Hut Gal, The Jedi Colonel, and that insipid little Taco Bell overgrown rat?"

LOL, If memory serves, that ad came out a couple weeks before the movie did. Damn we should have known SWE1 was going to be complete ass after seeing that mess.

Re: Dave Thomas Cartoon?
Jan 13, 2002, 15:28
Re: Dave Thomas Cartoon? Jan 13, 2002, 15:28
Jan 13, 2002, 15:28
The colonel isn't dead... remember the Episode One commercials that had the Pizza Hut Gal, The Jedi Colonel, and that insipid little Taco Bell overgrown rat?

See, one of the things you have to know about the Colonel is that well, he isn't dead, he's just now more powerfull than you could possibly imagine...
Dave Thomas Cartoon?
Jan 12, 2002, 20:02
Dave Thomas Cartoon? Jan 12, 2002, 20:02
Jan 12, 2002, 20:02
So, how long do you think will be until Wendy's creates a Dave Thomas cartoon to put in it's commercials? KFC already does it for Colonel Sanders, and the Orville Redenbacker commercials now have an animated spokesperson as well.

Personally, I find them to be a bit creepy, but they seem to be effective. So, what do you think? Two years, three years? In the food biz, it seems to be anything for a buck.
Re: A proposal...
Jan 11, 2002, 17:30
Re: A proposal... Jan 11, 2002, 17:30
Jan 11, 2002, 17:30
Humans are omnivores. Not herbivores, not carnivores, /omnivores/. But we also have personal tastes. Not eating meat because you don't like the flavor/texture/smell/etc. is one thing, not eating meat because the poor animal had to die is, to be perfectly blunt, fucking retarded.

I know my share of vegetarians and they've all got their own reasons, although none of them are of the "meat is murder" persuasion. I still think they're all silly bastards.

Still Redwood's Comment Slave
Re: A proposal...
Jan 11, 2002, 00:02
Re: A proposal... Jan 11, 2002, 00:02
Jan 11, 2002, 00:02
and I quote: " I suggest that since vegetarians have decided they are no longer omnivores they have their incisors - now rendered vestigual - removed."

Well, you use your incisors for cutting your food not necessarily for meat. It's your bicuspids that tear through meat.

I myself have given up meat not because I feel that it is murder, but for two quite different reasons.

The first is that red meat just isn't very healthy in large doses (like a hamburger).

The second is that I saw one too many fucking arteries sticking out of a roast and got completely turned off to meat. Poultry is filthy, cows stink, pigs roll around in and eat thier shit and I never did like seafood.

Except for shrimp...mmm scampi...

Honestly, I never was a very big carnivore in the first place, so I really dont miss meat. I do think it is in bad taste to try to push your beliefs/lifestyle on others (ie meat is murder). Believe it or not I catch quite a bit of shit from meat-eaters when I go out to dinner or to thier house and they find out I dont eat meat.

A proposal...
Jan 10, 2002, 19:38
A proposal... Jan 10, 2002, 19:38
Jan 10, 2002, 19:38
I suggest that since vegetarians have decided they are no longer omnivores they have their incisors - now rendered vestigual - removed.

Still Redwood's Comment Slave
Re: Meat
Jan 10, 2002, 13:20
Re: Meat Jan 10, 2002, 13:20
Jan 10, 2002, 13:20

First of all,your first statement comparing the use of fossil fuel to going and shooting a cow so that you may have your hot steaming piece of cow ass on your plate is crazy.you don't have to kill a dino. to get the fuel you need ,that is simply the what happens to the animals body after death.so your comparison is a bit deluded.


I dont really know or care how the cow died, i just care that afterwards it gets cooked and served to me.
Just like with dinos, as long as they make the car run, good enough for me.
Re: The real Dave Thomas
Jan 10, 2002, 09:39
Re: The real Dave Thomas Jan 10, 2002, 09:39
Jan 10, 2002, 09:39
Yeah trust me there was a serious flamer (or he may have been from Quebec) and they still served him. Wendys has good burgers but I find they are a tad overpriced. ($5 CDN for that honey bacon burger a while back was a bit much)
Re: Meat
Jan 10, 2002, 02:46
Re: Meat Jan 10, 2002, 02:46
Jan 10, 2002, 02:46
Mmmmm, hot steaming piece of cow ass. Now I'm all hungry, dammit.

Definition of murder according to Webster: "the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought." No mention of cows -- resume the slaughter! WEEEEEEEHAW!

Avatar 6580
Re: The real Dave Thomas
Jan 10, 2002, 00:57
Re: The real Dave Thomas Jan 10, 2002, 00:57
Jan 10, 2002, 00:57
I've burnt my mouth many of time on wendy's ham burgers. I'd have to agree that Fudruckers does make a better hamburger, but I think its a far stretch to call it a fast food joint (although I don't know what I would classify it as).
Meat "is" Murder
Jan 10, 2002, 00:55
Meat "is" Murder Jan 10, 2002, 00:55
Jan 10, 2002, 00:55
If you want to argue you now have a willing opponent.

First of all,your first statement comparing the use of fossil fuel to going and shooting a cow so that you may have your hot steaming piece of cow ass on your plate is crazy.you don't have to kill a dino. to get the fuel you need ,that is simply the what happens to the animals body after death.so your comparison is a bit deluded.

Re: The real Dave Thomas
Jan 10, 2002, 00:13
Re: The real Dave Thomas Jan 10, 2002, 00:13
Jan 10, 2002, 00:13
"Putting a guy in a cow suit outside a McDonalds with a sign saying "Meat is Murder", which is roughly the equivalent of putting a guy in a dinosaur costume outside of a gas station holding up a sign that says "Your car runs on dead bodies". (-SomethingAwful.com)

#22, never, EVER, say anything about Whataburger, their my 3 o'clock in the morning saviours!

Back to the point...

The anti gay person was just a troll don't pay attention to him, the better debate is about meat. Here's my point, if our ancestors had not hunted for food we would not be here today, so what's the problem? You guys are like anti-war protesters, too stupid to realize that the reason you can protest is because of wars (just an example). It's nature, it's survival, and while sure we can live without it now, you and me baby WE AINT NOTHIN BUT MAMMALS! Plus on a side note, beef and chicken TASTE GOOD.
Re: The real Dave Thomas
Jan 9, 2002, 23:25
Re: The real Dave Thomas Jan 9, 2002, 23:25
Jan 9, 2002, 23:25
OMG! Wendy's is cows? The fools, don't they know what they've done?
Re: The real Dave Thomas
Jan 9, 2002, 22:38
Re: The real Dave Thomas Jan 9, 2002, 22:38
Jan 9, 2002, 22:38
Here in Columbus, Ohio (home of the original Wendy's restaurant and the headquarters of Wendy's International, Inc.), the news of Dave's death has made the entire city a sadder place. He did so many things for so many charities and other organizations in this community. Not just the adoption work either. He has worked with everything from blood drives to purchasing lands for campgrounds for mentally handicapped children. He was not a bad person by any stretch of the imagination. His marriage of 47 (I may have this number wrong...couldn't find it after hearing it yesterday on the news) years with 5 children and 14 grandchildren is a testament to that.

I worked at the headquarters doing simple computer stuff for about 3 months a few years ago (never got to meet Dave, sadly, but I did get to install a new hard drive in his computer while he was away), and several of my co-workers were gay. So, if we add this information into your claims, you'd say "Dave loves orphans, but hates gays, but hires gays." Hrmmm. Contradiction? I think so.

If it helps, I also never saw Pat Robertson at the headquarters, so take that however you will
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