I said $.40 CPM, and that's if you're lucky. You mention Fastclick and Adbility, but he doesn't use those. This site uses UGO, and I have no stats on UGO. I do know they've faced a lot of tough times though. I don't know their mix of defaults:paying ads (not all those ads you see pay something), and of the paying ads we don't know the ratio of CPM ads:CPC ads:CPA ads. For all we know he's making .02 CPM. It's not as far fetched as it seems. Gaming/entertainment sites make very poor CPM nowadays. I suggest you try applying with your entertainment site to fastclick and see if they even let you in the network.
So, you can't assume the 6 paying ads. There might be zero if they happen to all be CPC, or if any are network defaults.
Also, it's quite possible both skyscrapers count as only one banner, since they quite often are the same. And it's also useful to note that this is all pre-tax, pre-hosting, pre-bandwidth cost.