id Software's Graeme Devine
updated his .plan on the occasion of last night's Mac OSX version of the Return to Castle Wolfenstein test demo 2 (
story), and also to announce a new dedicated server release, available
download from their ftp server (here is a
local copy with mirrors of the 527 KB file). Here is what he has to say:
An OS X (10.1) build of the Wolfenstein MP Test 2 is up and available for download. I've not gone
through and fixed all the niggles I want to get done, but hey it's there. There's also a separate
command line dedicated server since that's been requested quite a few times.
* You need to nuke the old test before installing and running this one.
* SMP doesn't currently work and is disabled by default. Don't turn it on.
* This is not a fully optimized build.