In a twist in what is normally a cruel joke, it seems that is just about the only website that I can actaully pull up this morning. Normally, its blues that I can't get to. Oh well, I'll take blues anyday.
I'm guessing that a link or main trunk of the backbone of the Internet has been disconnected (I see some sewer guy working somewhere thinking "yeah, this would be a good place to start digging with my backhoe. . . ") I've not confirmed with my ISP (Earthlink) but I can't even get to their page to check status (strange that I can still connnect). Of course I could still call them on the . . . what's it called, yes, the telephone. . . hmmm. Nah. In anycase, I'm in the midwest and it seems that I am only able to pull up East coast pages.
I makes you wonder in a serious way, how attractive the Internet is as a stategic target for someone wanting to cripple communication. I for one am dependant on it as I suspect everyone is in some way who visits blues (yes, I know who you are).
This comment was edited on Oct 11, 11:18.