But this is also Civilization 7. There’s a twist in the formula. Between every age - Antiquity, Exploration, and Modern - you change civilization. This is a mechanic that I disliked in Humankind, a similar 4X game that tried to change the classic approach, and in Civilization 7 it will undoubtedly be divisive. However, over my many hours, I began to adore the strategy of civilization changes. From Rome’s overpowering infantry to the Mongol’s cavalry horde, your options vary wildly game to game. New unique units, buildings, and ways to dominate your opponents open up step-by-step. There are just so many choices to be made. As a result, Civilization 7 is a perfectionist’s dream - more so than any game in the series before it.
Fudge that noise! If that's an option people would like, so be it, but I want to build a single civilization from the stone age to the space age. Hard pass on this already.
“With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." - Aaron Sati