my GOD. this surely means they're going to announce BLOODBORNE 2 (that'll include a FREE BLOODBORNE REMAKE; I heard this from a person who'd read a deleted posted by an insider with "intimate knowledge" of the goings on at Sony).
and even though that insider spoke English and Sony is a Japanese company run out of Japan, I believe it anyway. I've got my YouTube video celebrating the announcement all set to go.
I know people have been saying this for now 11 years. but this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, THIS time I know Sony will announce Bloodborne PC Remake (that runs overtop an original 4K version of the game with an unlocked frame rate that can be switched to freely).
this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, THIS time Sony won't let me down! it's not possible!!!