Out of the Blue

Happy Groundhog Day, the annual celebration of Woodchuck weather reports as well as the repeated chance to punch Ned right in his needle-nose. I've gone on a lot lately about the cold and gloom surrounding the BlueTower, where the pond hasn't thawed since it froze a month ago. So I'm eager for good news in the very exact science of foretelling the end of winter. If Punxsutawney Phil is indeed the paper of record in this area, then it's bad news, because in seeing his shadow, he's dashing hopes spring will arrive early, and setting our expectations for six more weeks of nastiness. On the other hand, "In the 10 annual predictions from 2013 to 2022, Punxsutawney Phil was less accurate with his weather predications than flipping a coin would have been. He was right four times in that period -- 2020, 2016, 2014 and 2013 -- and was incorrect in the six other instances." If I'm looking for more optimism, far closer to here than Punxsutawney, PA is Staten Island, where Staten Island Chuck is calling for an early spring. And according to that article, Chuck (and/or his replacement) is much better at this than his better-publicized rival: "Chuck has an 85% accuracy rate, higher than his more famous counterpart Punxsutawney Phil who has a 39% accuracy rate."

Obituary: 'Squid Game' actress Lee Joo-sil dies aged 81 - NME.

Familiar Round-up
Thanks Ant, Neutronbeam, and Max.




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The Funnies

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14 Replies. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: OotB: Rings a bell
Feb 3, 2025, 21:41
Re: OotB: Rings a bell Feb 3, 2025, 21:41
Feb 3, 2025, 21:41
jdreyer wrote on Feb 3, 2025, 21:23:
Mr. Tact wrote on Feb 3, 2025, 21:07:
Jivaro wrote on Feb 3, 2025, 20:31:
"He isn't going to deport my migrant workers that my business relies on. Just the criminal ones!"

Fuck, if i have to clean my own home or mow my own fucking grass this week, i am going to be pissed. I ain't got no time for that shit!
Avatar 15164
Re: OotB: Rings a bell
Feb 3, 2025, 21:23
Re: OotB: Rings a bell Feb 3, 2025, 21:23
Feb 3, 2025, 21:23
Mr. Tact wrote on Feb 3, 2025, 21:07:
Jivaro wrote on Feb 3, 2025, 20:31:
Yes and no. Not that it is happening since Trump was elected it was expected. That more than 77m people voted for that loser. And most of those people (all?) think what's happening is a good thing. Now that is surreal...
"He isn't going to deport my migrant workers that my business relies on. Just the criminal ones!"

People voting for the Face Eating Leopard Party shocked when the leopard eats their face.
If Russia stops fighting, the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ends. Slava Ukraini!
Avatar 22024
Re: OotB: Rings a bell
Feb 3, 2025, 21:07
Re: OotB: Rings a bell Feb 3, 2025, 21:07
Feb 3, 2025, 21:07
Jivaro wrote on Feb 3, 2025, 20:31:
Yes and no. Not that it is happening since Trump was elected it was expected. That more than 77m people voted for that loser. And most of those people (all?) think what's happening is a good thing. Now that is surreal...
“Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.” -- Carl Sagan
Re: OotB: Rings a bell
Feb 3, 2025, 20:31
Re: OotB: Rings a bell Feb 3, 2025, 20:31
Feb 3, 2025, 20:31
The town I live in is a ghost town today. All the hispanic businesses shut down. One grocery story, 3 starbucks, the gas stations and the chain fast food were about all that was open outside of the major retailers like Target. We are small city of mostly small businesses, mostly owned locally. According to the city townhall, 65% of those business owners claim hispanic heritage. They all shut fown for today and possibly longer in protest. It's noble, and it definitly grabbed more then a few peoples attention around here, but we all know that they can't do that for long.

Me missing my chile rellenos today isn't the first (or fourth) sign of the apocalypse, but this feeling that my small city is starting to draw battle lines is not something any conscious person could possibly be oblivious too. People with homes, businesses, and paid taxes are terrified that Trump and Musk are just gonna make up a reason to take it all away and ship them to somewhere they haven't lived in decades...maybe ever. And honestly, why wouldn't they be thinking that after what they have seen since January 20th? It's not hard to see why when they look into the future they see evil coming for them. Surreal.
Avatar 55841
Re: OotB: Rings a bell
Feb 3, 2025, 19:49
Re: OotB: Rings a bell Feb 3, 2025, 19:49
Feb 3, 2025, 19:49
Feels like a glitch in the Matrix but "Happy Groundhog day!"
Don't ever change Blue
Avatar 58853
Re: OotB: Rings a bell
Feb 3, 2025, 19:34
Re: OotB: Rings a bell Feb 3, 2025, 19:34
Feb 3, 2025, 19:34
Every single year you get me with the double Groundhog's Day Out of the Blue, and I go scrolling to see if I scrolled too far - even though I remember you'll do it the day before.
Well played!
Avatar 60436
Re: New MRI Study Reveals How Cannabis Alters Brain Activity and Weakens Memory
Feb 3, 2025, 16:51
Re: New MRI Study Reveals How Cannabis Alters Brain Activity and Weakens Memory Feb 3, 2025, 16:51
Feb 3, 2025, 16:51
Throwing out Lee Joo-sil like anyone who watched the series would remember her. She had the most minor of parts as the lead characters mother. She has very little american known credentials but has been a long time tv and movie actor in SK.
Re: OotB: Rings a bell
Feb 3, 2025, 16:06
Re: OotB: Rings a bell Feb 3, 2025, 16:06
Feb 3, 2025, 16:06
I look forward to the Groundhog Day double post on Blue every year, love it!
Re: OotB: Rings a bell
Feb 3, 2025, 14:58
Re: OotB: Rings a bell Feb 3, 2025, 14:58
Feb 3, 2025, 14:58
jdreyer wrote on Feb 3, 2025, 14:32:
Xeth Nyrrow wrote on Feb 3, 2025, 14:14:
Yesterday was groundhog day, you even had the tag in the headline for it.
I think you missed the joke.
Indeed. I try to forget this is a thing every year since it's also my birthday.
Avatar 60307
Re: OotB: Rings a bell
Feb 3, 2025, 14:51
Re: OotB: Rings a bell Feb 3, 2025, 14:51
Feb 3, 2025, 14:51
Déjà vu
Re: OotB: Rings a bell
Feb 3, 2025, 14:35
Re: OotB: Rings a bell Feb 3, 2025, 14:35
Feb 3, 2025, 14:35
Now you tell me.

You repeated yourself three times. Did you forget you'd already typed that? 😅
If Russia stops fighting, the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ends. Slava Ukraini!
Avatar 22024
Re: OotB: Rings a bell
Feb 3, 2025, 14:32
Re: OotB: Rings a bell Feb 3, 2025, 14:32
Feb 3, 2025, 14:32
Xeth Nyrrow wrote on Feb 3, 2025, 14:14:
Yesterday was groundhog day, you even had the tag in the headline for it.
I think you missed the joke.
If Russia stops fighting, the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ends. Slava Ukraini!
Avatar 22024
Re: OotB: Rings a bell
Feb 3, 2025, 14:14
Re: OotB: Rings a bell Feb 3, 2025, 14:14
Feb 3, 2025, 14:14
Yesterday was groundhog day, you even had the tag in the headline for it.
Avatar 60307
Re: New MRI Study Reveals How Cannabis Alters Brain Activity and Weakens Memory
Feb 3, 2025, 14:00
Re: New MRI Study Reveals How Cannabis Alters Brain Activity and Weakens Memory Feb 3, 2025, 14:00
Feb 3, 2025, 14:00
I am not surprised; I guess this explains why these dirty dopers keep leaving their used syringes on the sidewalks after shooting up tokes of that jazz cabbage.
Avatar 15164
14 Replies. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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