Sunday Metaverse

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Re: Sunday Metaverse
Feb 3, 2025, 11:13
Re: Sunday Metaverse Feb 3, 2025, 11:13
Feb 3, 2025, 11:13
Sorry, better not.

This comment was edited on Feb 3, 2025, 22:42.
Avatar 58799
Re: Sunday Metaverse
Feb 3, 2025, 10:56
Re: Sunday Metaverse Feb 3, 2025, 10:56
Feb 3, 2025, 10:56
We don't get a do-over if we fuck up our climate. Oceans are warming and ice is melting at exponential rates. Of course for christians they believe they are going to get raptured during end-times... so they don't care. They will just fuck up the next earth. LOL
Re: Sunday Metaverse
Feb 3, 2025, 09:35
Re: Sunday Metaverse Feb 3, 2025, 09:35
Feb 3, 2025, 09:35
VaranDragon wrote on Feb 3, 2025, 08:54:
DarkCntry wrote on Feb 2, 2025, 21:13:

It doesn't surprise me that you, Cutter, have no issue with freezing things that support people who have trouble supporting themselves, or supporting efforts to expand access to what would otherwise be unavailable to groups...but what does surprise me is how you think that doing any of this is going to help a taxpayer, short or long term.

What is surprising to me is how many people are watching the Trump "runaway train" from the sidelines, and quietly cheering on for it to continue it's rampage come what may. There seem to be lot of people in the world who enjoy watching the world burn.
It isn't so much that people want to see the world burn, at least for me. It's more the case that the people of the US have prospered so much under the safety net that regulations provide, they no longer believe there are any threats. This is like the patient that feels better after taking a few doses of medicine so they feel like they don't have to take their medicine anymore.
On some level I feel like we need to let the GOPs crazy ideas play out so that people can see what a burning world actually looks like. Then maybe there will be an "aha" moment and they will say, "Oh, this is obviously batshit insane." If not, we will limp along in this horrible us vs. them state until we are literally at each other's throats.
Of course I have no faith in the ability of the average voter to come to a rational conclusion anyway so it will probably all still get blamed on Obama.

Re: Sunday Metaverse
Feb 3, 2025, 08:54
Re: Sunday Metaverse Feb 3, 2025, 08:54
Feb 3, 2025, 08:54
DarkCntry wrote on Feb 2, 2025, 21:13:

It doesn't surprise me that you, Cutter, have no issue with freezing things that support people who have trouble supporting themselves, or supporting efforts to expand access to what would otherwise be unavailable to groups...but what does surprise me is how you think that doing any of this is going to help a taxpayer, short or long term.

What is surprising to me is how many people are watching the Trump "runaway train" from the sidelines, and quietly cheering on for it to continue it's rampage come what may. There seem to be lot of people in the world who enjoy watching the world burn.
Avatar 58327
Re: Sunday Metaverse
Feb 3, 2025, 05:19
Re: Sunday Metaverse Feb 3, 2025, 05:19
Feb 3, 2025, 05:19
DarkCntry wrote on Feb 2, 2025, 21:13:
Cutter wrote on Feb 2, 2025, 16:49:
Have any of you actually taken a look at the stuff they're freezing? I have. They have the complete list online, the monies they receive, and what they do. Even a cursory skim through the list is pretty mind-boggling. A lot of it seems to have no real purpose, or graft, or corporate welfare, or total overlap with other similar programs. And you're talking hundreds of billions of dollars per year here. And this has been going on for decades with no oversight or even anyone questioning the need of all these programs, never mind their efficacy. A lot of these programs get 10s, or even 100s, of millions per year with no perceivable benefit. Government should be regularly reviewing this stuff yet the money has been flowing without question for decades now. If I were a US taxpayer I'd actually be pretty happy about this.
I have, and here's the problem...

While there are a few programs that were questionable for effect, the far vast majority are not being shut down for fiduciary reasoning, but for dog-whistling reasons. Half of the programs support social services for marginalized communities.

Things like Meals on Wheels supporting people...the NSF supporting grants for research...funds for tribal nations...various state health networks...and countless other programs are affected by this. The amount of pork cut with freezes like this is minuscule and will result in more taxpayer dollars being sent to shore up to cover the gaps being made.

It doesn't surprise me that you, Cutter, have no issue with freezing things that support people who have trouble supporting themselves, or supporting efforts to expand access to what would otherwise be unavailable to groups...but what does surprise me is how you think that doing any of this is going to help a taxpayer, short or long term.

But ...... Some guy on Youtube says it? Well, than it must all be true in that case!
Re: Sunday Metaverse
Feb 2, 2025, 21:36
Re: Sunday Metaverse Feb 2, 2025, 21:36
Feb 2, 2025, 21:36
Cutter, migrate to the USA and enjoy that great paradise in the making !

Leave behind the unjustly vaunted healthcare you have now in Canada: Kennedy Jr. will create a new fanciful one so much better out of the air, if you can pay.

And the economics you apparently suffer under?
With a cutthroat global trade tariff war launched, and brilliant Musk cutting undesirables and scientists and medical researchers from all those fanciful leftist programs, you can be happy in real freedom and intelligent leadership !

Well, before Miller sends you to Guantanamo, that is.
Avatar 58799
Re: Sunday Metaverse
Feb 2, 2025, 21:13
Re: Sunday Metaverse Feb 2, 2025, 21:13
Feb 2, 2025, 21:13
Cutter wrote on Feb 2, 2025, 16:49:
Have any of you actually taken a look at the stuff they're freezing? I have. They have the complete list online, the monies they receive, and what they do. Even a cursory skim through the list is pretty mind-boggling. A lot of it seems to have no real purpose, or graft, or corporate welfare, or total overlap with other similar programs. And you're talking hundreds of billions of dollars per year here. And this has been going on for decades with no oversight or even anyone questioning the need of all these programs, never mind their efficacy. A lot of these programs get 10s, or even 100s, of millions per year with no perceivable benefit. Government should be regularly reviewing this stuff yet the money has been flowing without question for decades now. If I were a US taxpayer I'd actually be pretty happy about this.
I have, and here's the problem...

While there are a few programs that were questionable for effect, the far vast majority are not being shut down for fiduciary reasoning, but for dog-whistling reasons. Half of the programs support social services for marginalized communities.

Things like Meals on Wheels supporting people...the NSF supporting grants for research...funds for tribal nations...various state health networks...and countless other programs are affected by this. The amount of pork cut with freezes like this is minuscule and will result in more taxpayer dollars being sent to shore up to cover the gaps being made.

It doesn't surprise me that you, Cutter, have no issue with freezing things that support people who have trouble supporting themselves, or supporting efforts to expand access to what would otherwise be unavailable to groups...but what does surprise me is how you think that doing any of this is going to help a taxpayer, short or long term.
Avatar 24330
Re: Sunday Metaverse
Feb 2, 2025, 16:49
Re: Sunday Metaverse Feb 2, 2025, 16:49
Feb 2, 2025, 16:49
Have any of you actually taken a look at the stuff they're freezing? I have. They have the complete list online, the monies they receive, and what they do. Even a cursory skim through the list is pretty mind-boggling. A lot of it seems to have no real purpose, or graft, or corporate welfare, or total overlap with other similar programs. And you're talking hundreds of billions of dollars per year here. And this has been going on for decades with no oversight or even anyone questioning the need of all these programs, never mind their efficacy. A lot of these programs get 10s, or even 100s, of millions per year with no perceivable benefit. Government should be regularly reviewing this stuff yet the money has been flowing without question for decades now. If I were a US taxpayer I'd actually be pretty happy about this.

“With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." - Aaron Sati
Re: Sunday Metaverse
Feb 2, 2025, 16:17
Re: Sunday Metaverse Feb 2, 2025, 16:17
Feb 2, 2025, 16:17
We're in for a bumpy ride, folks.
Re: Sunday Metaverse
Feb 2, 2025, 14:53
Re: Sunday Metaverse Feb 2, 2025, 14:53
Feb 2, 2025, 14:53
the conservative way to solve problems is by taking away mentions of those problems
10 Replies. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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